Saturday, June 09, 2012

Use Your Knees And Elbows

We human beings have knees and elbows. We use our knees to walk, run, jump, hop, skip, ski, skate, swim . . . to move around. We use our elbows to lift, reach, cook, vacuum, hammer, drive, swim, hit the person next to us dozing off . . . to assist our hands. I want everyone to do something, anything with your knees and elbows. There is no more sitting on the chair and watching television or surfing the internet. Get up and move your body using your knees and elbows.

Life is not meant to sit indoors and do mindless activities. Get active. Go outside and explore somewhere new. Hike, visit a new place, ride a bike, learn how to dance. Be active. I accept going to the gym is an outdoor activity. The body is meant to move around using our knees and elbows. Use it or lose it. Get out and do something, anything.

The Personal Side Of Me Finding Raymond Mar

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