Sunday, June 23, 2019

Top Ten Lessons I Learned The Hard Way

I'm lucky I learned these lessons myself. My parents didn't teach me. Some people die not learning these lessons. My life is better today compared to my past years. Life is better living as a mature adult. Life is better living professionally. There are more lessons I must learn. There are more regrets I must remove. I die a good adult. I don't die being an immature jerk. Here are the top ten lessons I learned the hard way:

10. Timing and luck are factors to be successful. Opportunities and chances are required to be successful, too. If a person is not at the right place and the right time, then there are no opportunities and no chances.

9. Be Grateful. Count your blessings. Remember what you have. Remember who you are. There are people in worse situations. Make the best in favorable situations. Make the best in bad situations. There are times people must make lemonade out of lemons. Any day people can lose everything.

8. Take Care Of Your Body Inside And Outside Equally. Exercise your body from head to toe inside and outside. Exercise physically for good health. Exercise mentally for a sharp brain. Increment. Take it slow. Use it or lose it.

7. Don't Be Stubborn. It's okay to quit. It's okay to stop. Nothing works all the time. Quit when something is not working out. No need to be arrogant.

6. Earn It. Earn everything. Earn all successes. No fakers. Good life is not given on a silver platter to people.

5. Life Is Unfair. There are winners and losers. Some people win more than they lose. Some people lose more than they win. Nobody wins all the time. See number ten timing and luck are factors.

4. Grow Up. Don't be immature. Don't be naive. A grown up adult is self-responsible. A grown up adult accepts problems. They never blame their problems on other people. Be strong. Be courageous. Solve problems.

3. Don't Take Life For Granted. Straight. To the point. Be sincere. See number 9 be grateful.

2. Never Stop Learning. I play my brutally honest card. I failed to never stop learning. I took life for granted during my young years. My infinite learning contributes to living as a mature adult.

1. Never Stop Meeting New People. People come and go in our lives. New people must be met to replenish people who leave. A person can never have too many circles of friends.

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