Thursday, November 01, 2012

Invite Me For Foods And Drinks

I believe one of the best ways to get people together is food and drinks. We all know how alcohol brings people together. The same applies to food. Prepare good food, provide a variety of choices, and people in a social gathering are going to be happy. Food and good people complements each other. The food doesn't have to be top chef professionally prepared. The food must have heart. It's okay to purchase food from a store or restaurant sometimes.

If you need an activity or a theme to do something, anything, then think of a food and/or drink and a location to bring people together. Think simple. It can be a cookie gathering. Bring cookies and milk. It can be a soda gathering. Bring two bottle sodas from Beverages & More or Cost Plus World Markets and cups to share. It can be a toast gathering. Everyone brings different breads and different jellies. Wine and cheese in somebody's home is a classic. Or it can be the standard lunch, dinner, and pot-luck. There are many food and drink themes to bring people together.

Once people are settled in with good food and drinks, then good conversations, jokes, and laughing starts and continues to the end. There are new people to meet. There are games that can be played with food and drinks. Expect more laughing and smiles. Eat well and drink plenty.

1 comment:

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