Saturday, August 05, 2017

Anything Better Than Duct Tape?

We have been looking for the next big idea every day. Getting better is good. Innovating infinitely is good. However, we must look for the next big idea intelligently. I believe we have been looking for the next big idea exhaustively. We're tired being informed someone invented a new idea. Is the new idea really new? Is the new idea going to change lives? Or is the new idea all marketing or all hype?

The next big idea mindset is with us all the time. We are over-inventing. It's like we're dumb we can't think of anything new today. We waste time finding something better all the time. If it isn't broken, then don't fix it. Does it need to be improved? Do you want to improve it? Fill in the question with similar adjectives such as improve, innovate, or change. Is the new idea a disguise over the existing idea? It's a judgment call.

If I'm a hiring manager interviewing for a job opening and the job candidate says he or she always improves daily, then I'm not hiring the job candidate. I don't want over-thinkers. I don't want analysis paralysis. I do want people who trust their intuition.

Sometimes old school is the best. Sometimes the old ways are the best. Go back in time to the core essentials. Go back in time to the early successes. Go back in time to the classics. They may be still the best today. Think back in time and front and present. Think is the old way still the best way and think is the old way needs a new way. It's a judgment call.


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