Thursday, November 09, 2006

Workplace X Factor

What is the ultimate factor when choosing a company to provide a service? The service can be technology, law, real estate, taxes, sports, or even automobiles. Also, let’s say you’re visiting the company’s site. You walk to the kitchen with the team to get a drink of water from the water cooler. There is a problem. The water cooler is out of water. All of the water bottles are empty. The water cooler is the ultimate factor when choosing a company. If the company’s water cooler is out of water, then you refuse the company’s service.

The water cooler is the location where workers get up from their work areas to hang out. Gossip or water cooler talk is given. On the other hand, workers talk and chit chat to get to know each other better, know their family and friends, likes and dislikes, hobbies, and thoughts. The water cooler is the offline Blog. Share you thoughts drinking water. The water cooler is a magnet for workers. Workers must move around to get their water.

The kitchen sink is full of dishes. No problem. The workplace is messy with lots of papers. No problem. The closet is full of old computers. No problem. The bathroom smells as if someone did a dump. No problem. The water cooler has no water. Problem.

Water is important for workers to concentrate. It’s important for our bodies, our soles and our well-being. Companies must provide water to meet the needs of the workers to work effectively.

The water cooler is the Workplace X Factor.

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