Friday, June 27, 2008

The Good Guys And The Bad Guys

Who are the good guys? Who are the bad guys? Are good guys nice? Are bad guys immature? Are good guys boring? Are bad guys wild? Are good guys smart? Are bad guys dumb? Can good guys be dumb? Can bad guys become good guys and vice versa? Can good guys become criminals? Are bad guys criminals? Is there a grey area between good guys and bad guys? Yes. Everyone has a different definition of a good guy and bad guy.

A good guy is a nice, strong, charming, dependable, and courageous individual. The good guy seeks new adventures, learns new skills, gains knowledge, and meets new people. If there are any conflicts, then the good guy has courage to step up and resolve any conflicts. Everyone is comfortable next to the good guy because the good guy makes sure everyone feels good and avoids judging. The good guy is a “there he/she is” person. Please, thank you, your opinion, and sorry are few of the good guy’s favorite vocabulary words.

A bad guy is rude, weak, undependable, and a coward individual. The bad guy seeks living life on the edge. The bad guy begins conflicts for their personal reasons. Almost nobody is comfortable next to the bad guy. Bad guys can be a cheap, passing trill. The bad guy has a negative attitude, negative behavior, and negative influence towards others. Please, thank you, your opinion, and sorry are vocabulary words the bad guy fails to say.

People tell me I’m a nice guy. The common notion nice guys are boring, quiet, and unsocial. I’m more than a nice guy. I’m a good guy. I say to the person who calls me a nice guy politely, “Nah, I’m just a good guy XD”

There are no pure good guys. Nobody is perfect. Thus, every good guy has a bad guy side. Sadly, every good guy has the potential to harm others. On the other hand, every bad guy has a good guy side? We personally define ourselves who is a good guy and who is a bad guy; for example, if a person wants to climb a mountain, then is the person a good guy such that the person is seeking a new experience or a bad guy such that the person is risking death?

Thanks to Punkbuster who contributed to the Blog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are a good guy Ray.