Friday, August 17, 2007

The Ceiling Above Me Never Changes

Yesterday and today boredom struck me. It started around 6pm yesterday at work. I was finishing my assignments for the day and continued working on my team’s 4th Quarter 2007 Fiscal Year report. Then boredom feeling entered inside me. My emails were read. Nothing new at the forums I post. I watched videos on YouTube, downloaded mp3s, and watching too many videos got boring—at least for me I can’t watch hours of hours of YouTube.

I arrived home at 7:50pm. I checked the refrigerator to see what I’m cooking tonight. My Mom said I’m cooking steak. Great :X Nothing new. The same broiled dinner. (In fairness, my Mom stayed home for the week because she’s working on an outfit for my sister.) I cooked dinner; however, I ate cereal, nuts, bread, and a banana. I wanted something different.

At 9:30pm, I realized it was later than what I thought. I prepared to work out at the gym. The workout was modified because I was short on time. My gym closes at 11:00pm. I stretched, rode on the stationary bike, jogged on the treadmill, and did sit-ups. I arrived home at 11:20pm. I showered and brushed my teeth. At midnight, I went to the Internet to download anime fansubs on my laptop. Throughout the night, the boredom feeling remained inside. I wanted to do something different and I was still wide awake. I turned on my work laptop and watched two episodes of Bleach, a popular anime series currently. I watched anime on my lunch hour in the weekdays only. Watching anime on the weekends is rare. I went to sleep at 1:00am.

I woke up today at 8:30am. For breakfast, I ate toast, potato chips, and peanut butter. For me, I dislike peanut butter and jelly together. I must eat separately :-P Today’s breakfast was unhealthy. My breakfast includes Cheerios and/or oatmeal and fruit. The “do something different” mentality remained inside me.

I arrived at work at 10:00am. Traffic was light, especially for a Friday. I logged on, checked my email for priority requests and immediately response, and then I brushed my teeth. Then I worked on my weekly assignments and my team’s 4th Quarter 2007 Fiscal Year report which is still not done. I received word the report is going to be finished next week. *Sigh* I was done with my portion last week *__*

I ate lunch at 1:50pm and watched two episodes of Bleach. After lunch, I finished my weekly assignments. I received bad news my team’s 4th Quarter 2007 Fiscal Year report might be revised. No way. My team is waiting next week to confirm from two people in our department. Between breaks, I checked my personal emails, watched a few YouTube videos, and sat quietly and looked at the ceiling.

And here I’m now. Waiting patiently. Staring up the ceiling thinking what could I have done differently and what I can do differently in the future ~~ The last two days I felt like my weekdays are the same, same, same. Get up, go to work, come home, cook dinner, and go to sleep. I work out at the gym two days a week. Other days I do my usual whatever such as updating my webpage, read a book, do home errands, or if I’m really tired, I sleep early. My usual whatevers have been my usual whatevers. Nothing new. Nothing different. I have 1,005 songs on my mp3 player I listen at work and at the gym, yet when I listen to a song I could have sworn I listened to each song 1,005 times. I want to hear something different. Eating dinner and bringing lunch to work the food have been the same. It’s either broiled or something my Mom made which tastes plain. I’m tired of Cisco’s cafeteria food, and it’s expensive to eat out many times $-(

What’s worst? Being depressed or being bored? Fortunately, these feelings of boredom, depression, mellowness, sadness, any negative emotion, feeling, and attitude are temporary. Feeling down motivates me to find a way to get over it. In time, I find something new to do and my boredom is removed.

After work, I do something different. Depending on what tonight’s activities are, I buy pizza for dinner for everyone ;-)

Side note: I plan to sign up at Napster to download mp3s. I have a 30 day trial coupon.

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