Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Accutane Day 1,174

I choose to post the picture above to remind myself what razor burns look like. It was the first time I had razor burns. Change your blades when appropriate. Razor burns sting. If you don’t know what razor burns look like, look at my face. My razor burns are located below my right and left cheeks and above the jaw bone, and at the bottom center of the picture.

I apply Atralin two times a week before I sleep on the night before I shave. I wash my face before I shave. I don’t want any remaining Atralin gel on my face when I go outdoors.

I had one pimple in 2012. It was located under my chin. I learned pimples can appear anywhere in a person’s body—anywhere, including our genitals. Our entire body is skin. I got pimples on my ear, on top of my head, and at my back in my teens and 20s. The worse pimples were on my nose. They were ugly.

Finally, I have been getting more freckles all over my body. The additional freckles appear mostly on my face, chest, and arms. I don’t know why more freckles appear. My guess is I’ve been going outdoors more. I think there are more possibilities. The trend started in the middle of 2011.

The Personal Side Of Me Finding Raymond Mar

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