Saturday, October 12, 2024

Instant Bullets Blog Oct 12, 2024

*The following can kill someone accidentally: a dental infection spreads to the brain; hit the head becoming unconscious due to head trauma; go to sleep drunk and choking on vomit; mixing bleach and ammonia creates chloramine gas; mixing vinegar and bleach creates chlorine gas.

If you see somebody on the ground in a vehicular accident, then don't move the person because he or she may have a spinal injury. However, if there is an immediate threat, then move the person to safety.

Keep all body parts in a vehicle. Nobody knows when an accident happens. Limbs can be injured or lost. Herman from The Simpsons - Bart gets war advice from Herman, "Well, let me put it this way, next time your teacher tells you to keep your arm inside the bus window, you do it!"

A non-life threating advice. Replace cracked toilets. If the toilet breaks, the cracks slice your leg and butt.

*Don't drive on standing water. The vehicle can lose control and stall at six inches of deep water. The vehicle can float at 12 inches or one foot of deep water. The vehicle floats and can drift at 24 inches or two feet of deep water.

*inure: to accustom to accept something undesirable. Frequent exposure to something bad; accustomed. Get used to something difficult or unpleasant. Pronounced in-nor.

*wistful: having or showing a feeling of vague or regretful longing. Melancholy. Sad longing. Sad appearance. Thinking sadly about something. Full of yearning.

*inimitable: so good or unusual as to be impossible to copy; unique. Can't be imitated. Can't be copied.

*blithe: 1 happy, cheerful, carefree. 2 casually indifferent.

*inept: lacking the competence or skill for a particular task

*Random Deep Thinking Thoughts:

*Death is the loss of information. Death is the loss of memory. If we can store memory, we achieve immortality.
*What matters more? The racing car or the driver? They both matter. If the racing car is half of the horsepower of the competitors, the best driver loses the race. If the racing car is twice the horsepower of the competitors, then the average driver can win.
*We have a 2024 Presidential Election between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris who seem more like reality show stars than serious thinkers.
*A media creates a narrative. Other media outlets copy each other. The narrative is repeated. Information value is lost.

*Kinzang Lhamo. The 2024 Paris Olympics marathon runner from Bhutan finished last with a time of 3 hours, 52 minutes, and 59 seconds. She walked part way due to exhaustion and heat. Last-place finisher in Olympic marathon delivers a first-class Olympic moment | Paris Olympics. Close up video of the crowd supporting her.

*Think Simple With A 3X3 Magic Square. A student completed a three row, three column, and two diagonal sums of zero.

*Zombo Com. If you never visited Zombo, then click link Welcome To Zombo Com. Wiki Zombo information.

*Fishy Local Story. A local news station reported a fire destroyed a house. The house was looted afterwards. Cash and jewelry stolen. I questioned the story.

*Movie Quote From The Bad News Bears (1976):

Timmy Lupus: Mr. Buttermarker, I don't know about you, but I want to win, so don't send me in.
Morris Buttermaker: Listen, Lupus, you didn't come into this life just to sit around on a dugout bench, did ya? Now get your ass out there and do the best you can.

*The spelling for cockamamie and the pronunciation cock-a-may-mie. The definition is ridiculous; implausible; pointless; stupid or silly.

*The English language reading is top to bottom or left to right. The reading is big first and small second in terms of marketing techniques. Read from biggest to smallest.

*A Strong Relationship Sign. The other person gets along with the family members at a family event. For instance, the partner or spouse socializes with the siblings. The talking with the parents is default. The communication with the non-parents is the sign.

*Movie Quote From Office Space (1999):

Stan: Joanna.
Joanna: Yeah?
Stan: We need to talk. Do you know what this is about?
Joanna: My, uh . . . flair?
Stan: Yeah. Oh, uh, your lack of flair. Because, uh, I'm counting and I only see 15 pieces. Let me ask you a question, Joanna. What do you think of a person who only does the bare minimum?
Joanna: Huh. What do I thi--. Uh, you know what, Stan? If you want me to wear 37 pieces of flair, like your pretty boy over there, Brian, why don't you just make the minimum 37 pieces of flair?
Stan: Well, I thought I remembered you saying that you wanted to express yourself.
Joanna: Yeah. You know what? Yeah, I do. I do want to express myself, okay. And I don't need 37 pieces of flair to do it.
[flips off Stan]
Joanna: All right? There's my flair, okay. And this is me expressing myself. Okay? There it is. I hate this job. I hate this goddamn job, and I don't need it!

*Electrical Engineer. I have been learning basic electricity to continue learning life skills. I should have majored in electrical engineering.

*Movie Quote From Waiting (2005):

Monty: Amy! Serena! Calvin needs our help.
Calvin: No. No, I don't need help.
Monty: Shh, shh.
Monty: Women like assholes, am I right?
Serena: Well, I agree that you're an asshole.
Monty: Okay. "A," fuck you. "B," just answer the question.
Serena: Well, okay. Girls like assholes, not women. What women are attracted to is self-confidence.
Amy: Yes, and we absolutely fucking hate insecurity.
Serena: Yes! The more insecure you are, the more you ask, Is something wrong?
Amy: Is everything okay?
Serena: What are you thinking about?
Amy: What's wrong? And the more you do that, Calvin, the more it becomes this self-fulfilling prophecy.
Serena: You just need to relax and not worry so much. Okay? Calvin?
Calvin: Yeah. That makes a lot of sense.

*Former President Jimmy Carter turned 100 years old on Oct 1, 2024. Carter is the first former US President to reach 100. Carter replied to a question what's a secret to a long life. "I think the best explanation for that is to marry the best spouse: someone who will take care of you and engage and do things to challenge you and keep you alive and interested in life," said Carter.

*Parents Help Or Bail Out Your Unemployed Children. Parents tell his or her child they're bailing him or her out by living at home rent free. The child responds saying bail me out by helping me find a job--a real job. Help me get a referral or an interview.

Any half-ass parents can give money, find their child a job in retail, and lecture.

*Oscar Bait. Oscar bait describes movies produced to earn Academy Award nominations and wins. Wiki on oscar bait. Oscar bait has been mentioned since 1942.

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