Monday, March 24, 2008

The Week Of Sleep

Since March 4, 2008, I have been sick. I got the Respiratory Syncytial Virus or RSV. Last week, I was careless taking care of myself I believe I got sick again with cough and congestion. Throughout my sickness, I have been tired, tired, and tired. Fatigued, fatigued, and fatigued. I wonder if the Daylight Savings Time three weeks earlier made my sickness worst on Tuesday March 11? I worked at home Monday March 10 to Thursday March 13. I worked half days Wednesday March 19-Friday March 21. Drinking warm water and eating chocolate controlled my cough and helps me sleep.

It’s time for action. Starting yesterday, I did stretches and sit-ups. Tomorrow and Wednesday, I’m going to the gym to do very light workouts walking on the treadmill and stationary bike. I start on weights when I feel better. And I devote extra hours to sleep. I read less and delay any activities and nighttime errands to next week. It’s the week of sleep and anytime I have free time, I’m lying down in bed (-,-)

My goal is to recover and to feel alive. My mood has been empty during my sickness. I’m aware it’s a short-term phase and I’m going to be myself again. And I better because my department’s Q3 FY08 report is coming up and I can’t have a negative attitude.

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