Tuesday, April 17, 2012

No Kirkland Toilet Paper For Me

I believe in brand names for goods and services. I avoid the generic brands except for prescription drugs. My experience buying generic brands is 99% dissatisfaction. I’m more flexible regarding services; for example, I bring my car to ma and pa auto shops for major auto repairs.

No brand name is 100% perfect. I think carefully and choose wisely buying goods. I use Costco’s Kirkland as an example because many of us shop at Costco. Kirkland is a brand name I trust; however, I purchase some of their products. I like their paper towels, cashews, rotisserie chicken, ribs, food court items, and car batteries. I dislike their toilet paper, clothing, bottle water, and detergent. Obviously, Kirkland is a marketing name. Another company produced those goods marketed with the Kirkland name.

I like Samsung flat panels and televisions only, not for their smart phones. I like Sony for personal electronics only, not for their laptops. I like Sunnyside for milk only, not for their ice cream and yogurt. I prefer Western Digital over other brand names for hard drives even though all brand name hard drives are reliable.

I’m selective when I purchase goods and services. A reliable and trusted brand name doesn’t mean it’s good at everything. I believe most of us use some, not all, of Google’s services. My house has one or two General Electric products, and General Electric is everywhere and a household name. Some of my products either have parts from General Electric or are owned by General Electric.

I digress. I’m not 100% loyal for all brand names. I purchase a brand name’s goods and services from what I believe are their best, not because of their brand name alone. Buy from a variety of companies.

The Personal Side Of Me Finding Raymond Mar

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