Saturday, November 26, 2016

The World Simultaneously

Today is the third day of the four day Thanksgiving weekend in the Pacific Standard Time Zone. Right now. At this moment. This minute. This second. Everywhere in the world morning, afternoon, or evening. Families are enjoying each other's company. A retail worker helps a customer choose a dress for a Christmas gift. A police officer responds to an emergency call for domestic violence. Two people fall in love. Two people are breaking up. There is a car accident on the freeway. A baby is being born. Someone who lived 90 years old passes away. A cargo ship sails peacefully in the Pacific Ocean; however, a storm is coming towards it. Someone listens to The Beatles. Someone listens to Bruno Mars. A meal is served in a household. A person microwaves a personal size pizza.

Someone writes a blog. Someone reads a blog. Someone is depressed Donald Trump is the next President of the United States. Someone is happy Donald Trump is the next President of the United States. A computer crashes. A light bulb burns out. A basketball player shoots and makes a three point shot. A garbage worker picks up garbage. A fire burns a house. A dog eats lunch. A cat drinks water. A drug addict sniffs cocaine. Another drug addict continues rehab. There are people eating. There are people studying. There are people driving. There are people flying. There are people sleeping.

The events above happen in real time. The present. Now. What happened a second ago, a minute ago, or an hour ago is the past. Move forward. The world continues. People succeed at something. Victory. People fail at something. Mistakes are made. We, you and me, are part of the world continuing. We are living. You and I are doing something now. Boredom counts as doing something. You're breathing. Anything we're doing now other people are doing the same. You watch YouTube videos. Other people watch YouTube videos. You pay bills. Other people pay bills. You're swimming. Other people are swimming. You're thinking. Other people are thinking. The world continues turning. The world never stops. The world doesn't end. Tomorrow is another day. Life goes on.


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