Wednesday, November 18, 2020

The World Has Been Changing Geometrically In Plain English

I blog the outside of your residence in plain English. I blog the economy in plain English. I blog world success and world failure in plain English.

It's harder to breath fresh air. There are too many people. More people are working longer. They continue earning income. The retirement rate is lower. There are fewer openings. There are fewer opportunities; moreover, robots close opportunities permanently. More people are unemployed. Fewer graduates find jobs.

Further, there are fewer entry level jobs. More knowledge is required. More learning is required. Advanced training is expected for more positions. Complex employment requires complex education. Complex education requires higher costs and additional time. Four years of college is too short. Four years of high school is too short. Times have changed. There is too much to learn.

People are living longer. More people are healthier. More people are living longer because of medical technology curing people's ailments. Although, COVID-19 may change the world's overall health. Time will tell.

The expectations have been rising for companies from the bottom line more profits to the goods and services produced. Higher profits demanded. Lower costs expected. Minimize expenses. Outsourcing, contracting, and hiring foreign workers saves a buck here and there. The big companies must expand to stay in competition. A rising tide raises all boats. Amazon expanded its business outside books. Google and its parent company Alphabet expanded its business outside search engine. There are exceptions such as In-N-Out Burger and Trader Joe's.

The world is fast today. The world moves faster tomorrow. The world odometer is running faster daily. We hurry. Some of us may be lucky to find time to smell the roses. Bless COVID-19 for some people who need to smell the roses. A potential blessing in disguise. Time is the ultimate judge. Regardless, there is too much to do.

The world is overcrowded. There are more high density apartments and high density single family homes. Older apartments and older industrial areas are being demolished for high density residences. Be prepared rural areas for some urban population moving for lower cost of living and breathing fresh air. There are fewer open spaces remaining.

The size of the pie is still the same. There are many ways to look at the pie including employment, opportunities, successes, openings, and money. The world is a zero-sum game. More people are not going to get a piece of the pie no matter how much motivation, encouragement, and grit. Few people win. Most people lose. There are fewer opportunities for people achieving their dreams. There are fewer breaks for people working hard.

Four Certainties

The common knowledge certainty is death and taxes. There is a third certainty the information age realized. The third certainty is there are 24 hours in a day. No more. No less. In addition, my personal third certainty is people always have problems 24 hours a day. There are a total of four certainties: death, taxes, 24 hours in a day, and problems.

Update On A Past Blog

Today's blog can be considered a continuation to Did The Greatest Human Generation Doom Their Grandchildren And Their Future? blog on Mar 14, 2019. Blame can be given to the greatest human generation for causing today's information age way of living. The greatest human generation created the economic, education, and living systems. There were little to none checks and balances on growth and pace. They created their present with little regard for our future. Their grandchildren today and the future children tomorrow are paying the price.

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