Wednesday, April 28, 2021

How I Learn Morse Code

Learning Morse Code is one of my personal projects. I was inspired to learn Morse Code when I watched a movie the undercover police officer communicated with his commanding officer using Morse Code. I was also inspired when I started learning rope knots. I realized the Morse Code in the movie was fake Morse Code. I'm not shocked.

I'm not a professional at communications. I know enough Morse Code to communicate in an emergency. The following groups are my recommendation to learn the code. I advise against learning the code alphabetically. I separate the alphabet in four groups in terms of dots and dashes patterns. The numbers are in the fifth group. I don't separate alphabetically.

First Group
e *
a *-
n -*
b -***
c -*-*
d -**
h ****
i **
m --
o ---
s ***
t -

Second Group
l *-**
f **-*
j *---
p *--*
k -*-
r *-*
g --*

Third Group
u **-
v ***-
w *--

Fourth Group
y -*--
q --*-
x -**-
z --**

Fifth Group
1 *----
2 **----
3 ***--
4 ****-
5 *****
6 -****
7 --****
8 ---**
9 ----*
0 -----

Sixth Group
period *-*-*- (three a's)
question mark **--** (imi)
comma --**-- (mim)
error ******** (eight e's)

I practice five days a week typing stock symbols on the Google search bar selecting the Morse Code keyboard. I need paper and pen to write the dots and dashes when receiving or before I communicate in Morse Code.

Here's a video explaining how to communicate by Morse Code. It's an old video. It's still valid. HOW IT WORKS: Morse Code.

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