Tuesday, June 29, 2021

No On The Job Training For Excel. Also No Classes On How To Use A PC. Better Know How To Type.

There is no on the job training for scientists, engineers, business men and women, analysts, administrative assistants, and researchers for which Excel is a job requirement. Times have changed. The past generations a co-worker or manager was happy to teach a new worker a skill such as Excel. Today's generation nobody is happy to teach. Nobody wants to train Excel because chances are they taught themselves Excel during their spare time.

College students many majors require self-learning outside the classroom. I was a math tutor for three semesters. One student in the math lab was a computer science major. She knew nothing about computers. She tried hard in her Calculus classes. One conversation was on how to use computers. I told her there were no classes to teach how to use computers. The Mathematics And Computer Science Department assumed all students know basic PC. Basic PC was an unwritten prerequisite. Some freshmen computer science majors knew programming. I never saw the student afterwards.

More jobs require more skills. More jobs require more skills self-taught or educated at a learning institution. Be prepared to spend time outside the workplace or outside the classroom to learn additional skills and acquire additional knowledge. We live in the Information Age. Many industries require a plethora of advanced skills and knowledge.

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