Sunday, October 17, 2021

Algebra II Math Intuition

I dreamed last night I took an Algebra II exam in high school. Four questions. Questions one, three, and four were straight from the textbook. The teacher changed the numbers. Easy. Question two was a proof; in other words, prove the equation on the left side of the equal sign matches the equation on the right side of the equal sign. I didn't do proofs in Algebra II. I did proofs in Trigonometry.

The teacher instructed all students who finished early to wait outside. The smartest student who earned straight A's finished the exam first and quick. I finished second ten minutes later. The smartest student and I goofed off quietly at a tree. We answered question two the left side didn't equal the right side. The teacher went outside the door to give both of us thumbs up we aced the exam.

Trust More Intuition And Trust Less Analysis

"I began to realize that an intuitive understanding and consciousness was more significant than abstract thinking and intellectual logical analysis . . . intuition is a very powerful thing, more powerful than intellect, in my opinion. That's had a big impact on my work." --Steve Jobs

I answered question two last. My first attempt failed. I couldn't get the left side to equal the right side. I tried again. Same answer. They didn't equal. I began to overthink remembering my studying and the concepts. No good. I used my intuition. I concluded the proof didn't equate.

I woke up after the teacher gave the thumbs up. I didn't know how many students finished early after I exited the classroom. I believed the remaining students tried to equate the left side and the right side. I believed the remaining students were certain the left side and the right side equated. Analysis paralysis.

Intuition During My High School

I realized after the dream intuition saved my high school years. There were some classes I didn't understand the concepts. I used intuition. Intuition helped me pass my classes with higher grades. Intuition changed my C's into B's. It was hard to fail high school honestly speaking. Teachers find ways for students to pass classes. I'm certain teachers helped me earned higher grades for which I didn't realize it at the time such as bonus points, lenient grading, and extra credits.

Update On A Past Blog

I remembered taking Geometry in summer school after my sophomore year which allowed me to take Algebra II in my junior year, Trigonometry in the first half of my senior year, and Pre-Calculus in the second half of my senior year. I add summer school Geometry to my Top Ten Forgotten Moments written on Feb 15, 2020.

I add summer school Geometry to my Top Ten Saves written on Apr 25, 2020. The class became my summer vacation activity. In addition, playing chess during the lunch hour and playing softball during PE alleviated my sophomore year depression.

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