Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Another Life Blog

There are speed bumps on the roads. The roads are oily. There are detours. There is a wrench jammed in the machine. A screw is loose. The squeaky wheel must be greased. Spend a dime today or spend a dollar tomorrow. Minutes now or hours later. Insert any life idiom. Insert any life catch phase. Insert any life saying.

An adult daily life is not get up, go to work, go home, and go to sleep. A child's daily life is not get up, go to school, go home, and go to sleep. There are meals. There are responsibilities. There is taking care of one's body. One problem is solved. Another problem is clear and present.

A person must practice maintenance. Maintenance is routine. Maintenance is infinite learning. Use your brain or lose it. Use your body inside and outside or lose them. There are priorities. Problems are inevitable. Ignoring problems don't solve by themselves; although, there are exceptions.

I can write the blog in bullet points. The point is the same. Readers who comprehend today's blog our commonality is maturity and responsibilities. Additional commonalities are upgrades, replacements, out with the old and in with the new for equipment or durable goods. Out with the old and in the new applies to human beings, too. Let's be friends.

I'm reminded by the book Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell. Gladwell wrote companies promoting connections, complex work functions, and workers have autonomy are the three factors for the best workers. Satisfying work. The reward matches the effort.

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