Sunday, May 01, 2022

Shelter In-Place COVID-19 Blog April 2022

California issued shelter in-place orders on Tue Mar 17, 2020. I have been logging the highlights and lowlights. The easing pandemic restrictions is one reason positive rates are increasing. COVID-19 global outbreaks and lockdowns continue. Apr is the fastest month in 2022; although, the last week slowed down.

Mon Apr 4. All Google employees worked under their hybrid plan. Employees work in the office three days a week and two days remotely. Employees moved to a lower cost of living region could be paid less.

Wed Apr 6. The Center For Disease Control (CDC) said US immunity levels are high from vaccinations, boosters, and prior infections. The high immunity levels provide protection against the omicron variant BA.2. However, BA.2 was responsible for 72% of all positive cases. BA.2 was responsible for 1% of all positive cases in Feb. Fortunately, hospitalization rates were the lowest since the start of the pandemic. A surge was unexpected.

Thur Apr 7. The California Department Of Public Health updated guidelines for students and teachers in schools. No quarantine for asymptomatic cases regardless of vaccination status. The department recommended mask wearing and testing if anyone was exposed by someone who tested positive.

The San Francisco Bay Area counties were the highest COVID-19 infection rates in CA. San Francisco county was the highest in the state with 13 positive cases per 100,000 residents. San Mateo, Santa Clara, and Marin counties were the next largest. Cases increased because of the state reopening and continued testing.

A few top US government officials in Washington, D.C. tested positive: Speaker Of The House Nancy Pelosi, Attorney General Merrick Garland, Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo, Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, Sen. Raphael Warnock, D-Georgia, First Lady Press Secretary Michael LaRosa, and Washington D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser.

Sun Apr 10. 27% of the US states reported increasing cases. The omicron variant BA.2 was the leading cause.

Mon Apr 11. Philadelphia was the first major city to reinstate mask mandates starting Mon Apr 18. Cases increased 50%.

The omicron BA.2 variant was highly contagious. Hospitalization rates increased in some states.

The US State Department ordered all non-emergency government staff in Shanghai to leave due to a COVID-19 surge.

Wed Apr 13. 56 students from a group of eight grades at a school in Marin County tested positive after an annual trip to Washington, D.C. The majority of the students were vaccinated. Half of the students were boosted. Mild symptoms.

American University and George Washington University reinstated mask mandates because of positive cases increased in Washington, D.C.

The CDC extended federal mask mandates on all public transit including planes, trains, and buses to Tue May 3.

My allergy sickness began.

Thur Apr 14. CA Governor Gavin Newsom delayed a vaccine mandate for school children. The mandate starts Summer 2023. The Food And Drug Administration (FDA) didn't authorized vaccines for children between 5 and 16 years old. Currently, the FDA authorized vaccines for the age group under emergency use.

75% of CA population vaccinated. 66% of CA population between 12 and 17 years old vaccinated. 34% of CA population between 5 and 11 years old vaccinated.

CA residents exposed to someone tested positive for COVID-19 and showing no symptoms no longer need to quarantine. The five day quarantine was eliminated. Testing was recommended three to five days after exposure.

The FDA approved the first COVID-19 breathalyzer test called the Inspect IR. The breathalyzer must be administered with a trained operator. Results waiting time three minutes. A molecular test should be used if the Inspect IR returns positive.

Fri Apr 15. Experts were concerned the omicron variant BA.2 30% more contagious rate increase hospitalization rates. The rates increased in the Northeast. Experts believed the US case numbers were underreported because more people tested at home without reporting positive cases. Some people skipped testing. The surge should be minimized because more people are vaccinated.

Stanford University reported COVID-19 can remain in an infected person after infection. The university studied stool samples from infected people. Infected people shed the virus weeks or months in their waste. COVID-19 could infect the gut causing gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain.

Sun Apr 17. A COVID-19 loss of smell researched the noses, nerves, and brains of 23 people who died of COVID-19. Researchers led by pathologist Cheng-Ying Ho of Johns Hopkins University concluded that inflammation caused the loss of smell and taste. COVID-19 patients experienced damage to their nasal mucosa, their vasculature, and significantly fewer olfactory axons which carry smell signals to the brain. The loss of smell and taste could cause permanent damage. Anti-inflammatory drugs treatments could prevent damage to taste and smell senses.

Mon Apr 18. Errand day at the post office, Costco, and Safeway. Costco was busy at the 12:00pm hour. Costco was closed on Easter Sun must be the reason of the high number of customers.

A federal judge struck down the CDC mask mandate for public transportation. The public transportation included airports, mass transit systems, airlines, and ride-hailing services. Mask requirements were optional. United, Southwest, American, Alaska, Delta, and Jet Blue airlines announced masks were optional. New York City airports masks were required. Houston, Los Angeles, and Phoenix airports masks were optional.

Tue Apr 19. Uber and Lyft ride-hailing masks were optional.

The CDC removed all countries from its highest-risk category for international COVID-19 travel advisory system. The Level 4: Special Circumstances/Do Not Travel warned travelers the avoid nonessential travel.

Wed Apr 20. The Justice Department appealed the ruling which struck down the federal mask mandate on public transportation.

Thur Apr 21. Philadelphia ended the mask mandated effective Fri Apr 22 due to the decreasing number of positive cases. The city recommended people wear masks.

The Gilroy Garlic Festival cancelled the yearly festival indefinitely due to the pandemic and high insurance premiums.

The CA Occupational Safety And Health Board extended the mandatory pay to the end of 2022 for workers affected by COVID-19. The mandatory pay was set to expire in May.

Fri Apr 22. 100 students at San Mateo High School tested positive after the prom. Masks were recommended. Most students didn't wear a mask.

Tue Apr 26. Vice President Kamala Harris tested positive for COVID-19.

Wed Apr 27. Bay Area COVID-19 infection rates increased 110% to 21 cases per 100,000 residents in the last 30 days. CA death rates remained down. The CA positively rate was 3.1%. Cases increased 50% since the end of Mar.

The CDC reported three out of every four children have been infected with COVID-19.

Dr. Anthony Fauci said the US is "out of the pandemic phase." The US began transitioning from the pandemic to endemic. The coronavirus remains a pandemic for much of the world. The threat is not over for the US.

Thur Apr 28. The Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) board of directors voted to reinstate mask mandates when passengers ride the trains.

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