Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Washington Canada 2008: Epilogue

Everyone must take a vacation. The timing was perfect for a vacation. I needed to take vacation time from my contractor company and my life. And the week I flew to Washington, I finished all my quarterly responsibilities. I felt rejuvenated after the vacation. Yay!

The Washington Canada '08 vacation reminded me of one lesson I learned in '05 and I learned a new lesson. The '05 lesson I called it an inspiration. It's not an inspiration, it's a lesson. The '05 lesson was to be patient. Take your time. The '08 vacation reminded me to be patient and to take my time. Never rush. I failed to take my time in 2007 and 2008, and I felt miserable; moreover, that's not my character, my personality. I take life one day at a time.

The new lesson I learned is every human, every person, all the people we see everyday—family, friends, acquaintances, strangers—we are the same. We want love, we want friends, we have families, we work, we go to school, we have hobbies. My favorite day was Day 2 when we took the ferry to Seattle. I saw lots of Seattle Seahawks fans. Sure, the football team was having an off year. Yet, people came to watch the game at Qwest Field. I saw couples, groups of guys, groups of gals, families, and groups of friends all dressed up in their Seahawk clothes and colors ready for a day to hang out together. The Seahawks brought these people together. They have a common hobby, a common interest. They were Seahawks fans and they welcomed each other's togetherness. Look beyond them being Seahawks fans and they are the same like you and me—they are loved, have friends, work or attend school, have other hobbies, the human need of acceptance and being with others and to be happy.

I never had any enemies or conflicts before March 2007. I always see the good and I'm always a nice guy. Today, there are a few I don't want to be around. I see the good and then I realized they're not good at all. Appearances can be deceiving; however, they are the same like me. If I look beyond the conflicts, beyond the drama, these people I don't want to hang out with anymore are the same as me—they want love, want friends, belong in a family, work or attend school, have other hobbies, the human need of acceptance and being with others and to be happy.

Random walking can be fun. I believe that now after the vacation. It depends who you are with. Go local. Go somewhere new. Shop. Have a conversation with each other(s). Walk in a museum. Walk in a bookstore. How about walk around Best Buy? Go miniature golf.

Thank you Steve for providing the room, board, and transportation. And thanks for planning the activities. The vacation is all complements and kudos, and it made me a little wiser 0:-) Next trip is Las Vegas, my friend.


*I took approximately 975 pictures. It's less than what I took at the '05 vacation.

*Beauty advisors look great and their experience shows it. Remember the complement and make sure it's genuine and sincere.

*The book "Men Are From Mars, Women Are from Venus" by John Gray has not been revised. I guess the concepts are still valid today. At the time of the epilogue, I have not started reading the book, and it's going to be a while before I start.

*It's long day, not long shift. And my name is . . . . Not what's your name.

*I never needed to get money from the ATM. I got all the spending cash I needed after winning money from the casinos in '05 and '08.

I'm growing up Finding Raymond Mar

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