Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I'm Sneaking Junior Mints Next Time I Watch A Movie

I admit I'm not much into watching movies in a movie theatre. I have little interest paying $10-$12 a ticket. I prefer to watch a movie at home with family and friends. We chat, talk, make jokes, and help each other understand the movie. I watched one movie in 2009 that was Coraline 3D.

Anyways ^__^, I read an article from MSN Lifestyle titled "Teach Your Kids To Break The Rules" by Craig Playstead. Playstead suggested parents teach their kids "to break (or bend) the rules." Let's be honest. Nobody is 100% honest and 100% fair. Sometimes you must be grimy *__* Here are five suggested areas to start. Full article: Teach Your Kids To Break The Rules

*Sneak snacks into a movie theatre
*Question teachers
*Learn how to tell a white lie
*Pee in the woods
*Bend the rules playing sports

I'm growing up Finding Raymond Mar

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