Monday, August 30, 2010

Accutane Day 571

I have a bandage on my right cheek because I had minor surgery. The surgery removed my cyst that was on my cheek for a long, long time. Today I can’t wash my face. Tomorrow I remove the bandage and apply a new bandage with Neosporin. The surgery took 15 minutes. I have another appointment to remove the stitches.

Before surgery my dermatologist was casual explaining the side effects; for instance, infection, another cyst appearing, and scars. The probability is less than 5%. He wrote the side effects on my chart and made me sign it to consent. He was very casual as if there’s no worry at all. I also consented my cyst is sent to a laboratory. I asked him the reason. His response was the cyst proved the surgery happened and my insurance compensates him for the procedure. I questioned his response for a minute and then I stopped worrying about it.

I had another outbreak of eczema on my cheeks last Sat. I believe the reason was ice skating. I’m taking ice skating lessons and my face is sensitive to the cold conditions. I apply Topicort to the affected areas and skip Atralin.

The Personal Side Of Me Finding Raymond Mar

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