Saturday, September 14, 2013

A Million Dollars Or Your Life

My smart younger brother asked me a question when I was in fourth grade and he was in second grade. The question was the following: "What do you want? A million dollars or your life?" I answered a million dollars. He said how could you spend a million dollars if you didn't have a life. I was speechless.

I realized there is no right or wrong answer being a wiser person today. How can I live a good life without a million dollars? I must have money to support myself. I rather die than live in poverty. On the other hand, living life is more important than a million dollars. There are millions and millions of people who live a good life without experiencing a million dollars. There is more to life than money.

My answer to the question is my life. I have been living a good life today despite being unemployed. Life has been really good because I find the joy everyday and make lemonade out of lemons. I know life is going to be better which starts with finding a job. My job is not going to pay me a million bucks. My life is worth more than a million dollars when my life moves forward again.

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