Friday, February 26, 2016

No TV For Me

I watch a little television honestly speaking. Watching TV is a low priority. I don't have cable. I don't have satellite. I don't have Netflix, Amazon, and Apple entertainment subscriptions. Our TV stations are through the airwaves.

My top leisure choices are working out at the gym, reading books, playing board games, and listening to music. These choices improve my life physically, mentally, socially, and emotionally. If I want to watch a television series, then I buy the DVD box sets. The only television series box set I own in its entirety is Breaking Bad. Moreover, I own a small collection of DVDs and BD movies. Furthermore, if I'm interested in a television series broadcasted over the airwaves, then I prefer buying the DVD box set for two reasons. The first reason is the timing of each episode broadcasted for which I have other priorities. I can watch the episodes on my own time. The second reason is I can marathon watch episodes avoiding weekly cliff hangers.

The highest priority sports event is the Super Bowl. A high priority is nationally televised sports game I'm interested broadcasted on the airwaves such as the Golden State Warriors and San Francisco Giants. Another high priority is football, baseball, basketball, and sometimes hockey playoff games.

My daily life is not revolved around television. Television becomes an activity when I have free time and my immediate priorities are satisfied. Some people say they can't live without television. I challenge those living a life revolving around television. Take a break. Catch up on your to-do list. Do something different you always thought about doing for a while. Do something physical. Learn something new. Your life may change for the better.


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