Tuesday, May 30, 2017

For Your Information And For My Information

Blogger’s Note: May is pic month. I’m catching up posting pics from my smart phone. Enjoy!

There are new discoveries: visiting new stores, learning life lessons, interesting trivia, and tasting new food. There is everyday information regarding the human body. There is current event informing record rainfall. There are reminders changing is part of life.

Email: feedbackininblog@innovateinfinitely.com

Thursday, May 25, 2017

10 Pics In Three Feb 2017 Days

Blogger’s Note: May is pic month. I’m catching up posting pics from my smart phone. Enjoy!

There were adventures on Feb 16, 17, and 19, 2017. My local mall has been renovating to the latest and greatest. The mall must be competitive in the retail business online and offline. Good food is part of good life.

Email: feedbackininblog@innovateinfinitely.com

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Wisdom And A/C Drain Continuation

Blogger’s Note: May is pic month. I’m catching up posting pics from my smart phone. Enjoy!

I complete the everyday adult wisdom pics. I continue fixing my A/C drain leaking inside my front and reare passenger side compartments. Hiring managers, recruiters, and executives, there are qualified people who can do the job no prior experience necessary.

Email: feedbackininblog@innovateinfinitely.com

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Nine Wisdom Pics

Blogger’s Note: May is pic month. I’m catching up posting pics from my smart phone. Enjoy!

Elementary students share their New Year’s Resolutions for which some are adult wisdom. These kids are growing up faster than when I was in elementary school. There is more wisdom from The Mercury News pic for which it’s a teaser. Wait for the next pic blog.

Email: feedbackininblog@innovateinfinitely.com

Friday, May 12, 2017

New Experiences And New Knowledge Good And Bad

Blogger’s Note: May is pic month. I’m catching up posting pics from my smart phone. Enjoy!

The first pics in 2017. The year started with activity good and bad. The highlights and lowlights are a clogged A/C drainage. More pics follows after the blog.

Email: feedbackininblog@innovateinfinitely.com

Friday, May 05, 2017

Never Stop Learning Lesson Emphasized Because One Of The Shermans Past Away

I wrote a blog titled The Shermans on Wed May 23, 2007. I mentioned the husband and wife live life to the fullest in their retirement years. They devote time to their family. They never stop learning. They continue traveling. They continue finding new experiences to experience such as eating new foods.

I learned last month the husband past away at 95 years old. He achieved the "90 Club" in my book. The last Sherman's family picture I saw the husband lost a significant amount of weight. His diet change and daily exercise extended his lifespan. The husband had typical senior people aliments such as hearing loss, poor short-term memory, and slow physical movement. However, the husband learned new skills and acquired new knowledge to keep his brain sharp. My dad taught him computers such as operating a Windows desktop, emailing past co-workers, and creating Excel spreadsheets. He self-taught himself investing. He read newspapers daily.

I failed to adapt the never stop learning lesson in May 2007. I'm correcting my mistake today. I'm learning new job skills such as Python, JavaScript, Oracle, and Salesforce. I'm acquiring new knowledge such as emergency survival skills, backpacking, MahJong, and gym workout routines. I'm reviewing existing job skills such as Excel, SQL, and HTML. I read books. I listen to music. I work out at the gym.

My top priorities are finding a job and moving out of my parent's house. The Sherman's life is a template when I achieve independence. Never stop learning. Travel. Seek new adventures. Experience new experiences. Meet new people. Create new circle of friends. Get married. Minimize regrets. I'm not wasting my one life watching television eight hours a day some senior people choose a sedentary life.

Update Sat Aug 19, 2017: The wife passed away in Jul 2017. One of their daughters wrote a letter to inform my parents who informed me.

Email: feedbackininblog@innovateinfinitely.com

Wednesday, May 03, 2017

I'm Doing The Best I Can, Really III

Blogger's note: Today's blog is posted at both Innovating Common Knowledge and Finding Raymond Mar.

No more advice. I heard everything. No more telling me because it's highly likely I already know. I'm frustrated when I heard the same lectures I feel I'm a failure because I'm not independent. Change the subject. End the conversation. My ears are open to new ideas. I listen to fresh knowledge. Give me leads.

My life has been the same. I'm still unemployed. I'm still living at home. I'm doing the best I can. I really am. God is my witness. I job search two times a day five days a week. I used to job search six days a week. The Sat search saved little time. I continue learning Python. I continue reviewing my existing skills. Currently, I'm reviewing SQL. I take personal responsibility 24/7.

The late Steve Jobs said, "Keep looking. Don't settle."

My feelings are the same: sacrifice, nothing to lose attitude, going out of my comfort zone, willpower, and not giving up. It has been difficult finding opportunities going out of my comfort zone because I have been indoors more hours per week honestly speaking. No more data entry. I worked data entry hoping those jobs catapult me to higher positions. Failed. My life can't get worse.

I work hard intelligently working my way to live independently. I'm stronger with the pains of rejection. I'm wiser with the mistakes I learn. My brain grows bigger with new knowledge. Each day is devoted to be a good productive day. I trust what I'm doing today benefits me tomorrow.

Furthermore, I'm lucky. I have shelter in my parent's house. I have a solid desktop to job search, learn new skills, and review existing skills. I'm in good health. My gym is 2.5 miles from my house. I minimize expenses. Money is a lower concern. I pace myself. I read books, watch movies, and sleep eight hours a night. I complete my house chores such as cleaning, cooking, and laundry.

Finally, there is more working hard intelligently after I fulfill independence. There are more people to meet. There are more adventures to seek. There are more experiences to experience. Never take life for granted. Never stop learning, training, and reviewing. I never stop innovating my life.

Side note: The first time I wrote I'm Doing The Best I Can, Really was on Oct 8, 2012. The second time I wrote I'm Doing The Best I Can, Really II was on Apr 6, 2016.

Email: feedbackininblog@innovateinfinitely.com