Saturday, November 25, 2017

Research Reading Sunday Ads

The Sunday newspaper is one activity I look forward. I like to read the Sunday advertisements. I pay attention to the sale prices for retail items such as body wash, bottle water, clothes, and spices. I believe in shopping around waiting for sale prices on goods. Add up the small savings equals big savings in a calendar year. I'm fortunate with good timing most of my items I buy at stores are on sale. Also, I gage the cost of living in my county.

Another reason I read Sunday advertisements is new products available. My eyes experienced dryness recently. I knew Visine eye drops wasn't my solution. I found Refresh Tear eye drops researching online which relieved my dry eyes. It was the first time I discovered eye drops other than curing redness. I notice Refresh Tear eye drops in Sunday advertisements.

Sometimes new products have been in the market for years I notice for the first time; for example, first aid supplies, new foods, and over-the-counter drugs available without a prescription. I discover technology consumers can purchase such as new TVs, new phones, and new computer hardware. Sunday advertisements are an old-school consumer information source; likewise for Wednesday advertisements.


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