Saturday, February 02, 2019

The Early Bird Got The Worm Yesterday. The Early Bird Gets The Worm Today

I had been a night person. I went to bed late. I woke up from bed late the next day. I have been consistency waking up at least two hours earlier in 2019. I have been consistency going to bed at least two hours earlier in 2019. I have been sleeping earlier either on Fri nights or Sat nights. Either Sat or Sun I go to bed later.

I get more activities completed. I complete my responsibilities. I cross off more to-do list. All of them resulted from waking up earlier. Another reason I wake up earlier is preparing for my next job. I must sleep eight hours no matter what time I sleep.

Furthermore, I avoid activities wasting my time, energy, and brain activity. I minimize social media. I minimize eating unhealthy food. I limit watching television, sports, and movies. I avoid watching pointless YouTube videos.


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