Monday, July 15, 2019

Too Many People

The Mercury News published an article titled Churches Go On Building Spree on Jun 16, 2019. The article discussed the San Francisco Bay Area churches building affordable housing on their properties. For instance, the St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Walnut Creek, CA is building 44 apartment units. St. Paul's received more than 5,000 applications.

I paused reading the article after the 5,000 applications paragraph. My immediate reaction was 5,000 . . . what the fuck! The odds securing an apartment unit are small. The odds securing an apartment unit are small even if 1,000 applications are removed because of false information and 1,000 applications are removed because their income is too high.

There are too many people. There are too few goods, services, and resources to meet the needs of the overcrowding planet Earth. Growing demand. Limiting supply. Prices go up. Basic economics. I can't say any clearer. The number of winners remains the same. The number of losers increases. The number of opportunities remains the same. The number of applicants increases. Moreover, the number of winners and opportunities are increased or eliminated. The number of losers and applicants continues to increase. Life has always been unfair.

Too and many are the two words causing many of today's world problems. In particular, too many people. The world is overcrowded. Overcrowding causes problems. Overpopulation is the number one global problem. Control population growth. Reduce overcrowding. Many world problems are either solved or minimized. Unfortunately, nobody talks about too many people.

Update On A Past Blog

The Too Many People blog reminded me of a past blog There Are Too Many People Here on Sep 16, 2007. A Slate article said technological advances reduce emissions and save the Earth from any global environment crisis. The Slate article inspired me to blog a fear increase in crime, more garbage, and higher infrastructure costs when the population increase. Burglary has increase including package thefts, car break-ins, and residential break-ins. Garbage is increasing because there are more people. On the other hand, recycling is increasing. There are too many pot holes. People are driving on the roads longer. My neighborhood driving time is longer because more apartments and more retail buildings.

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