Wednesday, March 30, 2022

People Succeeded At Being Unsuccessful

I search the word "success" for books on Amazon resulting in over 60,000 results. I search the word "success" for books on Barnes & Noble resulting in 33,988 results. I search the word "success" for books on Half Price Books resulting in 999+ results. I take 5% of all the results because "success" is applied to other book titles such as success in computers, success in business, success in repairing cars, success in cooking, success in parenting, etc. There are 3,000 success books on Amazon, 1,699 success books on Barnes & Noble, and 50 success books on Half Price Books.

There are thousands of books on how to be successful. These published books are the successful books. Which successful books are truly the successful books? Which successful books are the top sellers out of the published books? My guess is 1% or less. There are thousands more books on how to be successful not successful. These books are not published. These books failed. The authors are unsuccessful.

Today's blog is another reminder life is zero-sum. The world is zero-sum. People enter. Few wins. Many loses. Everybody can't win. There is one champion. Sometimes people lose through no fault of their own. It's life. Blame bad luck. Blame bad timing. Blame life.

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