Wednesday, March 02, 2022

Don't Reinvent The Wheel

There's nothing wrong with trying something new. There's nothing wrong with experimenting. Trial and error. Do something different. However, don't innovate too much. Don't do something different just to do something different. The something different may be something the same. Too many people are reinventing the wheel. Sometimes the reinvented wheel is the same wheel. Sometimes the reinvented wheel is worse than the previous wheel. I see new ideas. I read new ideas. Most of the time these new ideas are fads which disappears in time. Most of the new ideas are actually terrible.

Update On A Past Blog

I questioned never stop innovating or innovate infinitely in Questioning ININ on Sep 10, 2006. If it isn't broken, then don't fix it. Fix it or keep it? Innovate or don't innovate? Inventing a new wheel or reinventing the existing wheel? All of the questions are judgement calls.

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