Tuesday, June 27, 2023

A Lesson From The Rich People

Many rich people spend more hours working. Many rich people spend less hours playing. The work more and play less mentality is misleading. It's true all work and no play make rich people lose their sanity. The rich people actually use the work time for mature adult responsibilities. Read more books. Learn new skills. Complete their tasks. Maintain their lifestyles. Work to earn an income. Minimize eating processed foods. Sleep eight hours. Raise their children. Physical fitness exercise. Minimize stress. The rewards are earned when accomplished.

What if the rich people spend more hours playing? Watching more TV doesn't pay the bills. Playing more video games doesn't improve physical health. Browsing the internet doesn't increase income. Eating more processed foods increase weight. Spending more time on a hobby obsessively doesn't clean the residence. Reading social media is less time on nurturing. Less sleep results in less focus and more stress.

I'm Still Learning The Lesson

I'm guilty there are days I ignore the rich people lesson. Distractions are present in my household. Distractions randomly appear in my mind such as a song, a movie scene, or a past moment I look up from my past blogs. Unanticipated priorities, emergencies, disrupted flow, and scheduling changes are present beyond my control. I lose time from my mature adult responsibilities. I'm confident I or anybody adapt 20% of the rich people habits my life or anyone's life improves at least 20%.

Side note: Here's the YouTube video scene from The Shining All Work and No Play. Here's the YouTube video The Simpsons parody The Shining No TV and No Beer.

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