Saturday, June 03, 2023

Instant Bullets Blog Jun 3, 2023

*A Steady Paycheck. Winston Zeddmore said, "Ah, if there's a steady paycheck in it, I'll believe anything you say" when he answered Janine Melnitz's interview question, "Do you believe in UFOs, astral projections, mental telepathy, ESP, clairvoyance, spirit photography, telekinetic movement, full trance mediums, the Loch Ness monster and the theory of Atlantis?" to become a ghostbuster in the movie Ghostbusters. The scene summarizes why we work at jobs: a steady paycheck. Everything else is secondary during an interview. . . .

*. . . Moreover, The Job Interview Process Is Broken. It's easy for the interviewee to fake himself or herself being the best candidate. The interview system applies to many job openings. Easy to lie. Easy to be somebody else. In my opinion, the interviewee takes his or her chance to be himself or herself to be hired. The conditions must be the interviewee is strong, sincere, professional, honest, and knowledgeable.

Search YouTube how to ace a job interview. Information overload. Multiple strategies. Multiple opinions.

*A Worst Feeling. You step on a wet spot wearing socks. You don't have another sock or you don't have access to an extra sock to replace the wet sock. You need to wear shoes soon.

*Defeat Chaos. Work defeats chaos. Work is the solution to solve chaos. The rewards are afterwards.

*Take Wedding Vows Seriously. The YouTube video Bride jokingly says "NO" and the wedding is cancelled is a cautionary tale for couples to be married. Be mature. No joking around. The Reddit post Bride jokingly says 'no' before saying 'yes' and marriage is cancelled included an English translation. Here it is below verbatim.

video is in brazil, i believe somewhere Minas Gerais maybe

priest to bride: is from your free and spontaneous will to marry him?
she: no-YES! *everyone laughs*
priest: no, you can not joke.
she: sorry
priest: there is no sorry, seriously, youcan not joke in this moment
she: omg
priest: it is true, the question is the main thing that we do
she: [i could not hear] i'm getting nervous
priest: you guys are getting pictures, have wedding witness, unfortunately today we will not be marrying you two
she: oh love(common nickname for the significant other), i'm nervous..
priest: we can not have a joke in this moment
she: i was very nervous
priest: go speak with Marina *hand something to husband*
--video ends--

The couple married in 2016. The groom recently posted the video online. The reason it took long was embarrassment. He posted to raise awareness about the importance of sticking to the formality of the event. The couple has a 2 year old daughter.

*The Web in 1993. The Internet in 1994. 1993: CNN's first reports on the Web. 1994: "Today Show": "What is the Internet, Anyway?"

*The Scorpion And The Frog. The Scorpion and the Frog is an animal fable teaching bad people can't resist hurting others even when it's not in their own interest. The fable originated in Russia in the early 20th century.

A scorpion wants to cross a river. The scorpion can't swim. It asks a frog to carry it across the river. The frog hesitates because the frog is afraid the scorpion might sting. The scorpion promises not to sting because if the scorpion kills the frog in the middle of the river, then they drown. The frog considers the reasoning sensible. The frog agrees to transport the scorpion. The scorpion stings the frog midway which dooms both of them. The dying frog asks the scorpion why it stung despite knowing the consequence. The scorpion says, "I am sorry, but I couldn't resist the urge. It's in my nature."

*Sequels Is The Modern Film Industry. A pic of the Fiesta Five movie theater in Santa Barbara, CA. Four of the five movies are sequels.

*indict: formally accuse of or charge with a serious crime. To charge with a crime by the finding or presentment of a jury in due form of law. A pic below on the Donald Trump criminal case grand jury. Pic source: NBC News.

*The artificial intelligence percentage of success rate is less than 100%. There is a failure rate percentage in AI. Comic source: Work Chronicles.

*Tell Me A Boring Fact. Another change in job interviews. Another change in workplace ice breakers. Another change in the first day of classes. There is too much pressure to share an interesting fact. Share a boring fact. Here are some of my boring facts:

I don't like mayonnaise on sandwiches.
I take pictures of police cars.
My favorite color is white.
I listen to classical music in the mornings.

*Expect nothing. Prepare for anything. These people know nothing. There are many situations the three sentences apply in today's management.

*The March Of Progress. An illustration of 25 million years of human evolution. Pic source: On the Origins of "The March of Progress"

*Reddit Advice On A Troubled Son. Son or daughter doesn't matter. The advice applies. The son or daughter needs professional help. Parents don't kick your son or daughter out of the house. The parents might as well shoot him or her in the back of the head. How should we handle our 23 y/o son who doesn't want to work?

*Trevor Jacob's Poor Self-Esteem. A staged plane crash. A fake viral video. A person needed likes and attention on social media. CNN reported Jacob pleads guilty to a federal charge on destruction and concealment with the intent to obstruct a federal investigation on Fri May 12, 2023.

Ars Technica article YouTuber who crashed plane admits he did it for money and views. Inside Edition video YouTuber Crashed Airplane on Purpose; FAA Says. The latest from NBC News YouTuber whose plane crashed agrees to plead guilty to staging incident.

I'm reminded of Bill Belichick's quote on social media: I hate social media. We get rid of it wherever we can. . . . Who cares if you get 2,000 likes from people you don't even know? There's 53 guys in the locker room, those are the 53 that matter.

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