Today's another too many blog reminders there are stories. There is a story every day. There is a story every second. You don't have a story every day; for example, you don't write to your parents you woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. I don't have a story every day. 99.9999% of the daily stories the world doesn't know. There are too many. You don't know them all. I don't know them all. 99.9999% of the 0.001% of the daily stories the world does know the world doesn't care. Almost all of the 0.001% are boring--not newsworthy for anyone's time. Feedbacks, responses, and reactions are opinions. Regardless, live your life by creating stories. Do you best to create intelligent stories.
Update On A Past Blog
Perhaps, there are stories can be another life guarantee. I wrote a blog titled My Six Guarantees on Dec 11, 2021. Benjamin Franklin said two of my six guarantees which are death and taxes. My four guarantees are everyone is weird, everyone changes, everyone has problems, and there are 24 hours in a day and seven days a week.
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