"You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something--your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life." --Steve Jobs
I look back at my past moments. I look back at my past actions. I look back at my past choices. I connected the dots . . . it was an introduction. These top ten made me a better person today. These top ten lead to positive outcomes today. Nobody knew these top ten turned out well. I didn't know. I made the best choices which were successful. I made more than my share of bad choices. These bad choices were good choices initially. Time is the ultimate judge. Here are the top ten good connected the dots it was an introduction.
10. Home Version Mini Gym (Mar 2020). I purchased a Muscle & Fitness May 2018 magazine. One article contained weight plate workouts. California announced the state shutdown on Tue Mar 17, 2020 due to the COVID-19 global pandemic. The people of California were given a 24-hour notice. I purchased a 45 pound plate and a 25 pound plate at a specialty fitness store. All major sport chain stores their fitness equipment were sold out. I began working out at home on Mar 2020.
9. eBay (2002). eBay is a great place to find bargains. eBay is a great place to sell my junk. I have sold lots of junk to create free space. eBay is prioritized over Amazon.
8. Classic Rock Music (Sep 2005). I was introduced to the local classic rock station 98.5 KFOX. The station saved me from driving without music. I lost interest in pop music. Classic rock is one of my favorite music today. The Beatles is my favorite band.
7. Washington Canada 2005 and 2008 (Aug 27-Sep 4, 2005 and Nov 15-20, 2008). I visited my Washington friend in his home state for the first time in 2005. It was my first time in Washington. It was my first trip visiting Canada in Victoria and Vancouver, British Columbia. The 2005 trip helped me navigate Vancouver in Mar 2007 for a business trip.
The 2005 trip lead to a second visit in 2008. The timing was good because I needed a life distraction desperately. The vacation satisfied the distraction. One place I visited was REI for the first time in their Downtown Seattle location. I signed up for their REI lifetime membership. The membership paid off because hiking became a new hobby in Apr 2009. My first purchases were hiking clothes, shoes, and a backpack at the REI Anniversary Sale in May 2009.
6. Ballroom Dancing and De Anza College (Jan 2009-Jun 2011). My sister was an amateur ballroom dancer. She introduced me to ballroom dancing. I took dancing classes at De Anza College starting in Mar 2009. I continued attending De Anza College full time majoring in Accounting and taking dance classes. I earned my AA degree in Mar 2011. I finished in Jun 2011. Going back to school was a second chance to relive life as a true college student. My experience was satisfactory.
5. innovateinfinitely.com Is Online (May 1, 2004). I created my first webpage at geocities.com after learning HTML in 1998. Innovate Infinitely was created driving to Japantown-San Jose in Sep 2000. The words "Innovate" and "Infinitely" came to my mind waiting at a signal light. I said the words together, "Innovate Infinitely . . . Never Stop Innovating Life."
I choose to create a web site to promote Innovate Infinitely. The webpage went online on May 1, 2004.
4. I Became An Anime Fan (Summer 1996-Sep 2014). The first anime I watched was Ranma 1/2 in Dec 1993. I exclude Robotech, Transformers, and Voltron in the 1980s for the purposes of the top ten. I watched Sailor Moon in summer 1996. The first anime series I purchased was Ranma 1/2 season one on VHS in Dec 1996. I cosplayed for the first time on Sep 11, 2004. The character was Edward Elric from Full Metal Alchemist. I cosplayed at all anime conventions I attended from Sep 2004 to my last anime convention on May 24-27, 2013. I announced my retirement in Jul 2014 finishing the anime series Space Brothers in Sep 2014. I thank my mom for making the costumes.
3. O'Connor Hospital (Apr 2-6, 2017). I was diagnosed with Acute Gallstone Pancreatitis. I required two surgeries for the first time in my life. The first surgery was Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio Pancreatography which removed gallstones. The second surgery was Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy which removed my gallbladder. It was the first time I was a hospital in-patient. I lost 28 pounds afterwards. I'm currently at my best health in my life minimizing processed foods and drinking water when I'm thirsty.
Moreover, I eliminated dairy one month earlier. I lost five pounds immediately.
2. Ubuntu, Linux, and Python (Oct 2014). I was unemployed between Sep 2014 and Nov 2014. A friend encouraged me to learn Python by installing Ubuntu. I learn Python and Linux with Ubuntu. Fast forward to today. I learned FFMPEG on Linux. I run MySQL and R-Studio on Linux instead of Windows.
1. Self Job Training (Aug 2014). I failed an interview for a contract Data Analyst position because I failed the Excel tests. It was an example of use it or lose it. I started to relearn and refresh my Excel skills. I added Access, SQL, VBA, and PowerPoint. The job training inspired me to redesign my webpage using Sublime Text, relearning HTML, and learning JavaScript and CSS. I completed my self job training in analytics research technology in Apr 2024 consisting of learning and reviewing Excel, Power Pivot, Power Query, Power BI, SQL, Python, Linux, Git, and R-Studio.
Update On A Past Blog
The Wonder Years television show aired on ABC from Jan 31, 1988 to May 12, 1993. The show is about a suburban middle class family in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Season 1 episode 3 titled My Father's Office the main character 12 year old Kevin Arnold spent a work day with his father Jack Arnold at the fictional defense company Norcom. The scenes in Norcom are true today. Pay attention to the workers' desks. There are no computers. The men wore ties.
[HD] The Wonder Years: Kevin at Jack's Office The first scene Kevin and Jack in Norcom. There was no time for Jack to settle in. There was no time for Jack to tell Kevin his responsibilities. On the other hand, Kevin was impressed with Jack working his butt off. Jack tells Kevin, "Tell you want Kevin. It is time you learned about the most important part of the working day. The coffee break."
The Wonder Years (S01E03) - My Father's Office. I don't remember any scenes between the coffee break and going back to the office. Jack said, "You know, Kevin, you can't do every silly thing you want to in life. You have to make your choices. You have to try and be happy with them. I think we've done pretty well, don't you?" Voiceover older Kevin version said later, "But as we walk back to my father's office, I suddenly realized something that made a lot of things make sense. My dad was too good for this place. Sure, it was a good job, and we were all lucky he had it and all that, but my dad had something finer in him than S-14's and distribution reports. I'll never forget how I felt at that moment I felt that my father was a great man."
The episode reminded me of the blog Can I Be Overqualified? written on Jan 10, 2022. I speculate I may be overqualified because of the self job training learning new job skills. Almost no company wants to hire overqualified workers; although, all companies employ overqualified workers.
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