Thursday, January 30, 2025

The Bottom Line Is A Big Change Influencer

Here's a typical scenario. A customer, client, patient, or buyer recognizes an error, discrepancy, miscalculation, or exclusion. The party converses professionally to management, agent, doctor, ownership, or seller. The talking points are clear. Tones are calm. Spoken words are mature. Everyone is patient. Unfortunately, sometimes talking points are confusing. Tones are conflicted. Spoken words are shouted. No more patience. Regardless, there is no change. The management party and the like changes nothing even if the customer party and the like are correct.

Follow the pattern. There are more errors, discrepancies, miscalculations, or exclusions. The management party and the like continue changing nothing. It doesn't matter who's correct and who's incorrect. The system is unchanged. Give it time. The best change instigator is money. The catalyst for change is profit. The bottom line is the wake up call. We see changes everyday in the business news. A company misses their forecasts. A company announces changes. We see changes everyday in the sporting news. A professional sports team with multiple losing seasons. Ownership announces coaching changes.

Money talks. Profit talks. Problems are no longer ignored.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Post-It Notes Notes

Blogger's note: The following knowledge or trivia are written in Post-It Notes a decade ago. All are shared mostly written as-is. I minimally edited the blog grammatically.

Nudging The Customer. Behavioral economics. Here are three simple marketing or selling procedures.

1. Invoke social norming or social peer pressure. Many people like you . . . . I wouldn't want you to miss out . . . .
2. Lost aversion. We are so confident you stay with you. You can cancel anytime; we won't pin you down.
3. Positively. Most people choose B, but you can choose A or C.

There are simple manipulation statements. "Four seats at this price" doesn't necessarily mean the cheapest. There could be another four seats cheaper. Another statement is "limited time at *insert price*" implies scarcity.

If you don't know, then you don't know. Demos? What are the demos?

Follow me lead. The conversation below:

Person 1: Hold on a minute. Just play along. Follow me lead. (Person 1 implies following the train of thought.) Person 2: Okay, I'm sorry. Person 1: I'm playing 20 questions. (Person 1 taking the conversation to a deeper thought.)

A phantom dating philosophy. I believe this until I'm proven otherwise. This is my knowledge . . .

Brian Howie on dating. Men on women: Make it easier. Men look for green lights. Women on men: Try [or do] harder. Women look for red flags.

A basic oral sex man going down on a woman.

1. Place a pillow below the female's butt.
2. Pull her pelvis in toward her.
3a. Tease the clitoris. Kiss the vagina lips. Kiss around the vagina area. Sneak breast massage. The clitoris is last.
3b. Curl your tongue. Flick like a butterfly--flutter, suck. The mouth on her clitoris forms a circle.

Texting words with emotion. It depends between the couples. Choose the emotional degree. Context is a factor. Either "Hey, what are you doing this weekend, we should hang out" or "Hey, what's shakin, what trouble are you getting this weekend?"

Kegel exercise for me. Hold your urine for five seconds before peeing.

Gary Chapman on the five love languages to give love and to receive love. Quality time, gifts, physical touch, words of affirmation, and kind services.

What motivates you when you wake up in the morning? My answer is I'm one step closer to become a self-trained genius.

Time. Do your time or don't let time do you. Agree or disagree.

averse: having a strong dislike of or opposition to something; strong opposite. Rise averse is reluctant to take risks.

Wash a mouse pad. Use Dawn dish soap to clean a mouse pad. Apply the dish soap. Run cold water over the mouse pad under the kitchen faucet or shower head. Hang dry.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Mother Nature Demands Payment

The wildfires in Southern CA started on Tue Jan 7, 2025. The biggest current fires in Los Angeles County as of the blog posting: Palisades burned 23,448 acres, Eaton burned 14,021 acres, and Hughes burned 10,396 acres. The Border 2 Fire in San Diego County burned 600 acres. The Palisades and Eaton started on Tue Jan 7. The Hughes started on Wed Jan 22. The Border 2 started earlier on Thur Jan 23.

The record breaking winter snow storm along the Gulf Coast started on Tue Jan 21. The storm stretched 1,500 miles from the Texas Gulf Coast to the Carolinas along the Atlantic Coast. Snow fell in Houston, TX; New Orleans, LA; Mobile, AL; Pensacola, FL, and Myrtle Beach, SC. Airports closed. Flights cancelled. Road closures. Schools and college classes cancelled.

The Northern CA Bay Area weather is unseasonable warm in the daytime and cold temperatures between the upper 20s to upper 30s in the nighttime. No rain storms in weeks. There is talk about droughts for Summer 2025.

Mother nature assesses penalties to humankind. My household gives partial payments by consuming less. I shave with cold water since Jul 2022. I have been taking cold showers to save water. My mom shops less.

Consumption, destruction, production, reproduction, and expansion for humankind. Mother nature wants payback for all of them. Mother nature wants its share of humankind progress. Mother nature can end the present humankind in minutes. Two million years later another humankind life cycle starts over.

Update On A Past Blog

Here is another forgotten memory for the Top Ten Forgotten Moments written on Feb 15, 2020. There was a Santa Barbara, CA and Los Angeles mini vacation during the 2002 Thanksgiving weekend. I rode with my uncle, aunt, and grandfather. My family drove separately arriving later. I purchased a jacket at a thrift store for which I wear indoors every winter. The jacket still fits. My dad built a desktop PC when we stayed over in Los Angeles. I forgot my portable CD player containing my Spirited Away anime soundtrack. I retrieved the CD player and soundtrack attending a wedding in Los Angeles in Jul 2003.

Monday, January 20, 2025

Take Away The Security Blankets

President Donald Trump is inaugurated as the 47th President Of The United States. Republican candidate Trump defeated Democratic candidate Vice-President Kamala Harris 312 to 226 in electoral votes in the 2024 Presidential Election. Trump received 77,303,573 of the popular vote. Harris received 75,019,257 of the popular vote. The pollsters who predicted a tight race were incorrect. The political scientists who said be prepared the court system determines the election outcome were incorrect.

The next four years I want to see huge changes. I want to see bombshells. I want to mix everything. Stur the pot more than the recipe states. Launch the uncertainty missiles. Stand to attention from the relaxation. Change the routines. Ignore the professional predictions. Chances are they're incorrect. Nobody knows what happens in the next four years. It may be better. It may be worse. It may be a push; in other words, a zero-sum change. A question is how big are the explosions?

Actions speak louder than words. Bring on everything. If my life gets worse, then so be it. If I'm screwed more, then so be it. My life can't get any worse. I'm George Kostanza. I'm unemployed. I live with my parents. My life can go up only.


The number 107 is the only number to analyze why Harris didn't win the presidency. All other analysis are secondary. Harris was given 107 days to convince the United States to vote for her. Not impossible. Improbable. If Harris won, she pulled the political miracle in the history of the United States.

Friday, January 17, 2025

I Made Good Choices After All

"You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something--your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life." --Steve Jobs

People said I did it wrong throughout most of life from Sep 2019 and earlier. I made mistakes. The logic was illogical. People didn't follow me. They wanted it their way. My thought process was nonsense. My actions were insincere. Ignore Raymond Mar because of ineffectiveness.

Times have changed. Attitudes have changed. Opinions have changed. Circumstances have changed. New knowledge acquired. Connect the dots backwards. Hindsight is 20/20. I did it correctly. I could have been successful. The logic was logical. People should have followed me. Their way was problematic. My thought process made sense. My actions were sincere. Listen to Raymond Mar. Take candid pictures. Physical workouts are equally or more important than mental capabilities. A person's inside is equally important than a person's outside. Drinking eight glasses of water per day is false. Read books. Minimize processed foods. There are not enough pie pieces for everyone. There are no valid reasons to watch all those television shows. It's okay to be alone. Sometimes be patient and go for the long run. Don't be a nice person. Do be a good person. Listen to intuition.

I have not been perfect. I admit my mistakes to anything brought to my attention past and present anytime. I should have earned my share of wins. The past is the past. All is forgiven.

Monday, January 13, 2025

Smile For One Thousand Three Hundred Dollars

My regular dental cleaning was in Dec 2024. The dentist said I needed five resins costing $1,300. The resins are a generic term. Specifically, the dentist fills in gaps between the teeth to minimize debris stuck between the teeth and gums, and minimize decay. $1,300 or $260 per tooth is expensive; on the other hand, the alternative is future gum surgery which costs higher and more inconvenience.

I went shopping afterwards. The first two retail locations were two high class malls. I thought about $1,300 dental work and $1,300 for X object(s) many stores sell. The chances of X object(s) are useless for practical uses. A $100 jacket is good as a $1,300 jacket. Almost nobody cares for a $1,300 pretty decoration on a table. I thought "a who cares he or she has it (them)" item(s) for sale in the two malls.

Consumerism at its best. Consumerism creates jobs. We don't complain on televisions, movies, clothes, toys, automobiles, and tech gadgets. We complain on food, insurance, utilities, and dental work. Some people need to re-evaluate their budgets and their priorities. A smile can earn more than $1,300 in money. Nobody wants his or her partner with bad dental hygiene during sex.

All prices increase. Higher costs. Spend wisely. It's the 2025 advice of the year.

Update On A Past Blog

Here is additional information on the blog Homeless Encampment Eviction Day Real Story written on Mar 23, 2024. The media doesn't report the real story.

Many legal homeless people receive government support such as Social Security, disabled veterans pensions, food stamps, and Medi-Cal. Some homeless people don't meet the rules for government support.

Some homeless people refuse shelters by choice. Women feels unsafe. Pets are prohibited. Must be sober. Strict curfews; for instance, homeless people with jobs and/or visit family members conflicts with the curfew. Couples must be married to be admitted together.

Monday, January 06, 2025

Change Priorities

I took a Moby-Dick vacation on selected days from Oct 2023 to Feb 2024. Those selected days I spent less time job training and more time reading Moby-Dick by Herman Melville.

I adapt the Moby-Dick vacation job training starting today. My job training continues. I spend less time job training. I spend more time on life. The reasons for the job training priority change are the job market, AI, the Information Age, and the economy.

Furthermore, I job search five days a week. There have been fewer job openings. There have been more people unemployed. More unemployed people apply for the fewer job openings; although, some job applications are submitted by AI. The probability of finding a job declines year after year. The probability of finding a job declines further in May and Jun when seniors graduate from high school and college.

The Costs Outweigh The Benefits

The more time job training cost outweighs the maintaining maximum job training skills benefit. A company hiring long-term unemployed people is rare. I reduce the job training cost. I benefit more living life not job training. The living life priorities are the following in alphabetical order:

*Cook: Everyone eats healthy.
*Complete errands: Shopping, organizing, and filling my car with gas.
*Emails: Sending and replying email to my family and friends. I also read my favorite articles.
*Learn life skills: Tying knots, shuffling cards, and memorizing jokes and riddles are examples.
*Listen to audio: Music and podcasts.
*Maintain the residences: Vacuuming, washing dishes, laundry, moping, cleaning toilets, and taking out the trash.
*Physical activity: Two days strength training and two days cardio.
*Play video games: Lowest priority. I play classic video games I never played.
*Read books: 75% fiction and 25% non-fiction.
*Social life: Spend time with people.
*Social media: Up to 45 minutes a day is nothing.
*Watch movie: I watch one movie a week.
*Watch television: Lower priority. I watch more sports and less shows.
*Write blogs: Write 100 blogs a year or 8.33 blogs a month is acceptable.

Ignorant consistency is removed. I accept half-ass sometimes because there's no penalty for less than 100% completion. I'm more flexible to priority changes beyond my control. I'm more accepting to adjust priority changes beyond my control. There is no reprimand for finishing a responsibility or a task tomorrow. It's okay to delay lower priorities.

I continue job training for the record. I continue job searching for the record. Finding employment is slim. There's more to life than knowing Excel, Python, data analysis, databases, and web pages.

Update On A Past Blog

I can title today's blog Reset Priorities In A Good Way, Reset Priorities II, Reset Priorities Correctly, or Reset Priorities Maturely. It's another life re-evaluation blog. Fair statement. People should re-evaluate their own lives time to time. Re-evaluate properly. Re-evaluate intelligently. It's okay to make priorities mistakes. Correct priorities mistakes immediately when committed.

I committed priorities mistakes from the blog Reset Priorities written on Sep 18, 2013. The two goals creating three priority tiers were consistency and more hours to sleep. I failed. I admitted my mistake on Feb 28, 2018 Throwback Blog: Reset Priorities saying " The blog is full of crap. I reset my life too many times." There is a limit people resetting their lives too many times indicates professional help may be needed.

Saturday, January 04, 2025

Screwed Or Not Screwed

I ask questions about myself. I answer "screwed" or "not screwed" followed by an explanation. I choose no NSFW answer "fucked" or "not fucked." There is no 50/50 middle ground. If it's 51% screwed, then I'm screwed. If it's 51% not screwed, then I'm not screwed. Here are the self-analysis questions:

*Find a job: screwed. The unemployed readers know the truth. There are fewer job openings. There are too many unemployed seeking employment from the fewer job openings.

*Health: not screwed. I include physical fitness. I workout four days a week. I minimize eating processed foods. I sleep eight hours a night. I drink water when I'm thirsty.

*Money: screwed. All prices are going up. All costs are going up. All payments are going up.

*Job training: screwed. On the one hand, I finished my self job training on Apr 19, 2024 Self Job Training Graduation Analytics Research Technology. On the other hand, the continued job training remains too slow. There is too much to learn. There are good free learning resources. I'm skeptical on paid online training.

*Learning outside the job training: not screwed. Finding new life skills is slow and sure. An advantage being unemployed is plenty of time to learn. These skills can be useful tomorrow.

*Socialize with friends and family: not screwed. I started meeting my friends post pandemic. I started meeting new people post pandemic. I'm patient.

*COVID-19: not screwed. I wear masks. I'm updated on the latest vaccines. I never tested positive.

*Timing, luck, destiny, karma: screwed. The world has not been flowing in my favor for years.

*Time remaining to live life: screwed. My life is either paused or moving forward too slowly. I follow through everything I learned. Too many delays. Too many stalls.

*Happiness in the short term: not screwed. I wrote being a happy loser My Problems Are Nothing on Dec 27, 2024 compared to many people with bigger unhappy problems.

*Happiness in the long term: screwed. Money is not a factor to become happy. However, money helps a person become happy. I don't know the future regarding money.

*Mental: not screwed. I separate physical health and mental health. I read books. I job training. I learn life skills. Never stop learning.

Friday, January 03, 2025

Shelter In-Place COVID-19 Blog December 2024

California issued shelter in-place orders on Tue Mar 17, 2020. I have been logging the highlights and lowlights. The COVID-19 coverage on the XEC strain was almost nonexistent. I might have spent the most time out of the house. One reason was Christmas shopping. I avoided the big crowds. The Christmas and New Year's holiday weeks went by fast.

Wed Dec 4. Completed errands at AAA. Shopped at World Market.

Thur Dec 5. Picked up online orders at REI and Target.

Sun Dec 8. Shopped in Japantown-San Jose.

Thur Dec 12. Picked up an online order at ASICS in the Great Mall.

The latest COVID-19 strain is the XEC. The XEC is a subvariant of the omicron strain. The milder strain is the most transmissible strain. The main symptoms resemble the common cold including coughing, runny nose, congestion, sore throat, and fever. A test must be performed to determine the person has the common cold or COVID-19. The latest vaccines from Pfizer, Moderna, and Novavax should mitigate symptoms if a person tested positive.

Mon Dec 16. Shopped at Costco Business Center. Filled up my car with gas at Chevron.

Tue Dec 17. Went to the outdoor Christmas event Enchant.

Wed Dec 18. Regular checkup at the dentist. Shopped at Valley Fair, Santana Row, Costco, The Home Depot, Books, Inc., and O'Reilly Auto Parts. There were too many cars on the road. It seemed the freeway and city traffic returned to pre-pandemic life.

A scientific paper stating the hydroxychloroquine drug to treat COVID-19 was retracted from the International Journal Of Antimicrobial Agents. The anti-malaria drug claimed to reduce virus levels. The Food And Drug Administration (FDA) issued an emergency use authorization in Mar 2020 allowing doctors to treat COVID-19 patients. The authorization was revoked three months later because further studies failed to show the benefits outweighed the risks. Scientists questioned the drug effectiveness with small sample size and short peer review times.

Fri Dec 20. Picked up online orders at O'Reilly Auto Parts.

Mon Dec 23. Shopped at Daiso, Target, KLOUD K-POP, and Safeway.

Tue Dec 24. The CDC's National Wastewater Surveillance System indicated an increase in the COVID-19 virus in the nationwide wastewater measurements ending Dec 14. Levels increased from low level to moderate level suggesting an increased risk of infection. 21 states have high or very high levels. The midwestern region was at high levels. The Northeast and South regions were low. The West region level declined while remaining at low level.

The death rate was 1.1% of infected people. Hospitalizations at 2.3 per 100,000 which was down from 10.7 per 100,000 in Oct. Emergency visits remained at 0.7% since Oct 15. The positivity rate was 5.6% as of Dec 14. The positivity rate was 17.8% on Aug 10.

Sat Dec 28. Visited a Christmas pirate ship display at a residential home in South San Jose.

Tue Dec 31. The previous COVID-19 fall and winter seasons wastewater levels rose in Nov. The wastewater levels peaked at the end of Dec. The 2024 year wastewater levels were the lowest in Oct and Nov. Wastewater levels began to increase in Dec from low to high. The week ending Dec 21 COVID-19 tripled in circulation due to the newest dominate variant XEC.

The XEC variant is a hybrid of two JN.1 variants. The JN.1 variant was an omicron subvariant for the 2023 winter surge. XEC accounted for 45% of new cases from Dec 8 to Dec 21. XEC accounted for 15% in Oct.

Flu levels and RSV levels increased in Dec. 21.4% of Americans were updated with the latest COVID-19 vaccine as of Dec 21.