Saturday, July 07, 2007

Fourth Of July Double Fireworks Blast: Who's Getting 7-9 Hours Of Sleep?

On Tuesday July 3, I ate lunch at the Cisco cafeteria. On my table, there was a sign promoting July's health tip. The health tip was if you're getting less than 7-9 hours of sleep, you may be sleep deprived. How ironic. Cisco promoted getting more hours of sleep. I find the health tip hard to believe for a company working everyone's ass off.

Here is one typical, ordinary, stereotypical worker. Married, have two children, works eight hours and eats lunch one hour a day, and drives to and from work with traffic. At Cisco, fat chance. Cisco works everyone hard. (I don't work hard, I work smart.) How about the days where the worker needs to work more than eight hours and/or work at home such as a presentation or editing a marketing report? Less time for the family. How about time to exercise, time to relax and do other activities such as reading, fixing cars, watching sports, and basket weaving? And how about time for the spouse and take care of the children? A devoted parent never neglects their children.

I ask a question I don’t know the answer. How can a person work nine hours, drive to and from work say one hour, and sleep for eight hours to have six hours remaining for everything else? I tell you some people use the six hours for work :\ Six hours is little time for everything else outside work. I have never drink coffee and energy drinks and I never take any drugs. And if a person works in a position requiring at least 12 hours of work a day, then there is two hours remaining for everything else assuming the person is still awake and focused.

My typical day is I work nine hours including one hour of lunch and commute time is 40 minutes round trip assuming traffic is favorable. Out of 24 hours, I have 14.33 hours remaining. Let's assume I get seven hours of sleep. I have 7.33 hours remaining. I cook, wash dishes, and eat dinner when I come home from work which is about 1.33 hours. I now have five hours. Don't forget bare necessities and taking care of myself including taking a shower and brushing my teeth which is about 30 minutes. I now have 4.5 hours. 4.5 hours of free time to myself. 4.5 hours is little time to read, update my webpage, write Blogs, watch anime, and anything else including emergencies and helping others. I'm lucky I'm single.

And what if I'm CEO of a company? Sleep 8 hours? Forget it. I spend 8 hours on email and talking on the phone >.>

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