Monday, November 07, 2011

My Best Investment For Happy Days

Every morning I feel good. I don’t need coffee to start my day on a positive note. I don’t even need coffee to wake me up. I don’t take medications for depression and to make me feel good. My attitude is life is good. Life is worth smiling. There is always optimism. Control what you can control and don’t control what you can’t control.

How do I consistently maintain a positive outlook without coffee, drugs, and even alcohol, binge eating, and smoking? My answer is a good mattress. I believe having a good night sleep is one of the best ways to have a good day. Some of us pop pills to have a good mood, drink alcohol, eat lots of food, and/or complain and whine to people making the complainer a person to avoid.

Invest in a good mattress. You feel strong, fresh, energized, in a good mood, and in a positive mood ready to handle to struggles and daily life moments. A good sleep lowers the chances of needing drugs to feel good. A good sleep saves money from drinking. A good sleep saves money from a person needing possessions to escape from daily living. Life, in my opinion, is not really bad.

Ask yourself the question, “When was the last time I purchased a new mattress?” My knowledge is if the answer is eight years or greater, then it’s time to purchase a new mattress. Shop around and do research. Buying a mattress is like buying a car. Feel free to negotiate. The mattress market is competitive. Sweet dreams.

The Personal Side Of Me Finding Raymond Mar

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