Monday, December 22, 2014

Tell Me You Games

Here are some games to know people in a deeper sense. These games should be played with people you know well in a comfortable environment. These games assist people opening up for you and for others. Be prepared to open up.

*One Word. Everyone writes down one word describing yourself and the other people. Everyone writes down the one word for the person being described for each turn. The other people share the one word and explain why going clockwise with the person being described on the left ending with the person being described sharing his or her own answer. Continue with the next person being described going clockwise. Duplicate answers are okay. The game is best played in a table and chair setting.

Bonus: Everyone predicts what the person writes down for the person's turn. Another bonus: people with matching one words receive a small prize.

*Copy. Everyone choose someone's else moment, knowledge, physical attribute, personality, skill, award, part of the other person's DNA, etc. Agree who starts copying another person. The copied person can't choose the person copying after the copy is shared with everyone. The copied person must choose another person to copy. Avoid a loop between two people.

For example, I want to copy another person's skill of reading fast. I explain why. Then the person who I copied the reading fast chooses another person except me to copy.

*Write A Question. A person is chosen to answers questions from other people. Rules may be established what questions are acceptable and what questions are unacceptable. The other people write one question on a piece of paper for the chosen person to answer. The chosen person collects all questions. He or she shuffles the written questions. The chosen person announces the question one by one to answer. The chosen person can refuse to answer questions. Feel free to pause the question and answer for a discussion.

A variant is verbal questions. The chosen person answers questions asked from other people. Other people ask one question starting with the chosen person's left going clockwise.

Positive. Share a positive of the other person. Everyone forms a circle. One person is the positivee. Everyone else shares a positive starting with the positivee's left going clockwise. The positive is anything such as an attribute, a skill, a personality, or an action.

Sports Interview. Most of us watch sports' pregame and postgame interview in a press conference setting. One person is on the podium. The other people ask questions on the person. It's like the manager of a baseball game in a postgame interview with journalists. Rules may be established what questions are acceptable and what questions are unacceptable. Agree on a time limit a person is being interviewed with other people. The next person clockwise becomes the person being interviewed.


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