Monday, October 02, 2006

10 Years Ago and Sunday Lunch

Today, my uncle and aunt invited my parents and I to lunch. As expected, my weekend plans of the weekend being me must be modified. Isn't life all compensating? *Hee, hee* I type the Blog outside the restaurant on my laptop. The restaurant is busy for lunch which surprised me because the last few times I came for lunch the restaurant wasn't busy.

The reason I brought my laptop is to try my USB wireless adapter. The first adapter malfunctioned and I got a replacement. So far, so good. I got two secured wireless signals. If I could connect, I upload the Blog immediately before we eat lunch XD

On to the topic ~~ 10 years ago I was at San Jose State University Fall Semester 1996. The semester began my second semester as a full time Economic major. I used to be a Mathematics major. Fall Semester 1996 was my all-time favorite and successful semester. The semester was great and perfect, and it's number three on my Top 30 Most Memorable Moments. The semester included working two days a week a Blockbuster Video, going to school Tuesdays and Thursdays, mastering the shooting video game Area 51, and a 3.64 semester grade point average.

Our table is ready. I'm going to eat light which I always do in a Chinese restaurant X__X

Note: To view my Top 30 Most Memorable Moments, visit and click the Top 30 Most Memorable Moments link.

Note2: I hope the Seahawks can win games without MVP Shaun Alexander :)

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