Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Quad 2 Of 4: Action Movies Are My Favorite

Here’s a triple shot plus one I call a Quad. Yay! It’s been very busy in October. And, yeah, it’s a fast month. Fastest ever? Maybe? I don’t want to jinx October. Heh, heh, heh. Here is Quad 2 of 4.

Out of the four general movie categories Action, Comedy, Drama, and Family, Action is my favorite. Why? The people say they are going to do something and they do it. And if they fail, they don’t give up. They find another way or think of a new way to complete their task.

For me, action speaks louder than words. Action triumphs over lip service. If a person is all talk and no proof, no demonstration, no completion, then the person is on my garbage list. In my company, there are lots of lip service and talk about making the company a better place to work; in particular, the management and executives. They really do a good job talking. They really do a bad job creating action to support, to validate, to be creditable on their words.

When I say I’m going to do something, I’m going to do it. When I say I’m going to do something which must be done at a later time, I’m honest to ask the person or persons to wait. When I say I can’t do it because I can’t do it for legitimate reasons, I’m honest and tell them the truth.

The old, common quote “Action Speaks Louder Than Words” is true in today’s world. Anyone who follows the belief creates creditability.

Oh, as for the action movie sequences’ logic, it’s another subject ^__^

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