Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Quad 3 Of 4: My Favorite Shape

Here’s a triple shot plus one I call a Quad. Yay! It’s been very busy in October. And, yeah, it’s a fast month. Fastest ever? Maybe? I don’t want to jinx October. Heh, heh, heh. Here is Quad 3 of 4.

If anyone asked my favorite shape before today, my answer is I don’t know. Today, I found my favorite shape. My favorite shape is the circle. In my life, I know lots of knowledge in bits and pieces, lots of little things such that all of the tiny knowledge in many areas overlap. I can draw circles on what I do, what I know, who I know, where I visit, when I do activities, how I complete assignments, why I do them, etc. My who, what, where, why, how, and even the do, have, can, should, and must in my life I can draw brainstorming circles and all of those overlaps and connects.

The who in my life is my circle of friends and networking. The what in my life is the books I learned--the content in books reinforcing what I learned and some of the books I read contain the same information. The where in my life is the places around my hometown such as Santa Cruz and Palo Alto are just 30 minutes away both containing fun places to hang out. The why in my life is one of my attitudes of always asking questions because a wise person has more questions than answers. And the how in my life is innovate infinitely . . . how I do it and find a better way to do it the next time.

My anything, anytime, and anywhere are going to come full circle good or bad. I make sure I create good circles and I innovate the circles.

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