Saturday, November 02, 2013

Two New Daily Life Rules

My daily life rules help me and remind me to be the best person. These daily life rules keep me strong, help me get along with people, and give me confidence.

I looked back at my past blogs. The last time I added a new rule was on Thur May 13, 2010 when I wrote my weekly De Anza College blog. The rule was number 6: Breath with your nose and stand up straight. I'm shocked I didn't create any new rules since. I'm overdue to add more wisdom to my daily life.

I recently discovered my leap of faith on Wed Oct 9 and a personal problem regarding being discrete on Sun Oct 26. These two moments inspired me to add two new daily life rules.

Rule #7 is "Have faith. Believe in yourself". I stopped believing in myself since I finished taking classes at De Anza College. My lack of faith is delaying my life from going forward; for example, my long-term unemployment. I don't know why I stopped believing in myself. My initial answers are I took life for granted and I was overconfident I find a job immediately after I graduated. Rule #7 is self-explanatory. Believe in myself and all my dreams, desires, and goals come true.

Rule #8 is "Let me think. Be discrete". There is a downside to being an open person. I communicate too much information sometimes. There are situations where something doesn't need to be discussed in a conversation. There are some thoughts, ideas, opinions, and events that shouldn't be mentioned. Rule #8 tells me to pause for a few seconds to think before I speak. Saying the words "let me think" is a good pause for me in conversations.

Here are the previous rules:

1. Don't criticize, condemn, and complain, and don't compare with others.
2. Don't act like a jerk or bitch.
3. Always speak calmly and be calm.
4. Don't daydream when driving.
5. Keep your head up high . . . look at their cute face when talking.
6. Breath with your nose and stand up straight.

And here are the updated rules:

1. Don't criticize, condemn, and complain, and don't compare with others.
2. Don't act like a jerk or bitch.
3. Always speak calmly and be calm.
4. Don't daydream when driving.
5. Keep your head up high . . . look at their cute face when talking.
6. Breath with your nose and stand up straight.
7. Have faith. Believe in yourself.
8. Let me think. Be discrete.

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