Saturday, February 08, 2014

Five Pillars Along My Back

The picture above illustrates my mind thinking my back is straight supported by five pillars. Good posture is important to live a healthy life. I want to minimize back problems. I have experienced back pain and soreness. My body recovers quickly.

Working out at the gym significantly helps keep my back strength. I lift weights which strengthens my back muscles. Another reason to get physical is lowering the chances of back problems.

A straight and strong back gives me an attractive physical appearance. Solid body language is important in professional and social situations. People want to be with strong, confident, and attractive people. I want to tell people I control what I can control. Devote time to improve and maintain good posture.

Finally, rule #6 of my daily rules of living is breathe with your nose and stand up straight. The rule #6 and picturing the five pillars along my back reminds me to keep my back straight.

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