Friday, July 03, 2015


This is it. One of my life manifesto is live an independent live moving out of my parent's house. My mind, body, and spirit have the desire to get out. I want to leave the nest. I break the life restriction glass with a carbide tip window piercer. I'm a smart and wise adult making mature choices. I'm a strong adult who wants more control of my life. I'm a kind adult who wants more circle of friends.

I continue working hard doing my best. I job search seven days a week. I self-learn new job skills seven days a week. I'm currently learning more Salesforce and more data analysis. I learned standard deviation, forecasting, and dashboards. I reviewed Excel, Access, and SQL. I workout four days a week at the gym. I have nothing to lose. I have everything to gain working hard for independence.

I accept job offers paying a minimum to live independently. Long term contract jobs are accepted. I'm not settling on short term contracts. I refuse below market hourly rates. It's a risk to refuse short term contract offers because my resume gap increases. I've seen an increase in hourly rates. I have faith the job with good pay permanent or long term contract is my match. I worry about the discretionary costs such as leisure later. The present moment is earning money to pay rent, gas, groceries, and bare necessities.

My life reaches big heights I never reached before in time. I'm looking for one perfect day to get the job to move out of my parent's house. Thereafter, I look for more perfect days because the sky's the limit reaching new heights.


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