Wednesday, September 09, 2015

Intelligence May Change Your Daily Life Intelligently defines intelligence: 1. having good understanding or a high mental capacity; quick to comprehend, as persons or animals. 2. displaying or characterized by quickness of understanding, sound thought, or good judgment. 3. having the faculty of reasoning and understanding; possessing.

In particular, today's blog focuses on definition number two. Add the adverb "intelligently" to your daily life. Your actions, thought processes, and behaviors change. You make better choices. You gain more control. You establish consistency. You're more proactive. Examples include think intelligently, communicate intelligently, date intelligently, drive intelligently, be sincere intelligently, work intelligently, raise children intelligently, live the present intelligently, and play intelligently. For me, I learn new job skills intelligently, clean the house intelligently, cook intelligently, and workout at the gym intelligently.

Seek intelligence by acquiring the intelligently attitude. Be strong intelligently. Be brave intelligently. Make mistakes intelligently. Live outside your comfort zone intelligently. Live your daily life intelligently. Live a good life intelligently.


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