Thursday, April 13, 2017

Questions Answer Quickly Answer Briefly

Here is a list of questions below. Answer quickly. Answer briefly. Questions first. My answers second.

1. You're stranded on an island. What book do you want with you?
2. What is the one meal you eat for the rest of your life?
3. What is your life mulligan? Choose one.
4. If you started college again, then what is your major? Choose a different major. Or if you dropped out of college or never attended college, then what is your major?
5. Trade a hobby for another hobby.
6. Somebody gives you $1,000,000 to choose another place to live. Where? Present location excluded.
7. What is the one TV show you want to watch all episodes?
8. Dream car?
9. What year do you want to be born? Why?
10. What knowledge do you want to learn more?
11. Another career path?
12. Choose one sport to follow religiously.
13. What is one change you want your parents to change?
14. What personal handicap do you want eliminated?
15. What miracle do you want the world to have?
16. What task do you want somebody else to do for the rest of your life?
17. What is something you don't regret?
18. Tell me something you discovered recently.

1. You're stranded on an island. What book do you want with you? I choose three. Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson, The Bridges Of Madison County by Robert James Waller, and The Martian by Andy Weir.

2. What is the one meal you eat for the rest of your life? The Chinese broccoli beef rice plate.

3. What is your life mulligan? Choose one. I redo my college life from freshmen to graduation.

4. If you started college again, then what is your major? Choose a different major. Or if you dropped out of college or never attended college, then what is your major? I can say Accounting because it was an alternative major. I earned an AA degree in Accounting during The Great Recession. My answer is Geology.

5. Trade a hobby for another hobby. If I'm an anime fan today, then I trade anime for backpacking.

6. Somebody gives you $1,000,000 to choose another place to live. Where? Present location excluded. Seattle, WA.

7. What is the one TV show you want to watch all episodes? Classic The Simpsons.

8. Dream car? Audi A6.

9. What year do you want to be born? Why? 1973. I missed good opportunities because I was one year too late.

10. What knowledge do you want to learn more? I have many. My answer is automobiles.

11. Another career path? Movie critic. That is a random answer off the top of my mind.

12. Choose one sport to follow religiously. Football.

13. What is one change you want your parents to change? I want my parents to be stronger.

14. What personal handicap do you want eliminated? I can't tread water. I want to tread water.

15. What miracle do you want the world to have? I have a few including end world hunger and everyone can read. My answer is eliminating mental illnesses.

16. What task do you want somebody else to do for the rest of your life? Dusting. Remove dust in my household.

17. What is something you don't regret? I'm not a high school math teacher.

18. Tell me something you discovered recently. I discovered inpatients in a hospital have a responsibility to help medical professions do their jobs.


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