Saturday, June 16, 2018

Who Cares Senior Year In High School

My senior year in high school was my worst high school year. District budget cuts closed my previous high school I attended in my freshmen, sophomore, and junior years. Some might say I deserved my senior year to be the worst. I was an idiot. I was naive. I took my senior year for granted. I was depressed. I'm lucky I learned these bad moment lessons in adulthood.

I dreamed last night one true event. I was Cadet Of The Month in the Junior R.O.T.C. program. Only three people cared about my award. They were a classmate in my pre-calculus class, the dean of students, and the principal. The lack of caring wasn't a concern. Student body morale was low because two high schools merged. All of the cadets didn't care who earned Cadet Of The Month.

I think back to the event from an adult perspective. I didn't earn the award. Most cadet officers were awarded Cadet Of The Month. The minimums cadet officers qualify for the award were show up for class, pass physical fitness tests, pass written exams, behave well, and wear the uniform passing inspection on Fridays. In addition, perform better than the other cadet officers when the Marine instructors compare the candidates. I'm sad some people earn their successes doing the minimums and some people doing above and beyond the minimums are struggling today.

Overall, I didn't earn most of my high school achievements sincerely. Most of my successes were handed to me on a silver platter. Some examples include too easy tests, low expectations, and dumb luck. Most teachers didn't care. I wonder how today's high schools are teaching their students for today's more complex world?


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