Thursday, August 19, 2021

The Green Steno Notebook 7

The picture above is the notebook I acquired on the first day of my new white collar job. I wrote notes during my job training. I wrote other notes, reminders, and knowledge thereafter. I share many of them. Here is the seventh blog.

*Aug 6, 2018. Wash the bathroom carpets in the washing machine on hand wash setting. The rinse spin cycle is high. The rinse spin cycle is not on extra high. Air dry the carpets in the backyard.

*Aug 6 The U.S. mail arrived late. Household received mail from the wrong address. I saw the postal carrier in the late afternoon with another postal carrier. She handed a container of mail to the other postal carrier to help deliver her route.

*Aug 12. I wrote 56 top ten blogs.

*Aug 18. My nearest Nike store sold skateboard shoes. All of their trainer shoes and running shoes in stock were terrible. Bad luck. I shop another day.

*Aug 23. I forgot my weight lifting gloves for the second time. I drove back home to get my gloves.

*Aug 25. Use the oven timer when cooking rice because I want to turn off the warmer option after the rice is cooked.

*Aug 29. Finished Gradius III and Gradius IV. Raged quit playing the classic arcade game Rampart.

Follow up: It was the last time I played those three games.

*Sep 1. I drove on a freeway toll express lane for the first time. The price was free because I drove in the evening.

*Sep 4 for Sep 2. I spot clean clothes using a Q-Tip. I dipped the Q-Tip in a bowl of water with a small amount of Tide detergent. I rubbed the dirty area with the Q-Tip.

*Sep 6. A rare afternoon workout at the gym. The parking lot was full. I parked at the supermarket a short distance away. I realized there was a shortcut through the retail strip mall separating the supermarket and the gym. The dog care or training center closed.

I forgot to close the passenger side window.

*Oct 5. The maximum light bulb wattage is 60W LED or 40W incandescent for the ceiling fan.

Follow up: I purchased the light bulbs on Feb 11, 2021.

*Oct 6. Blue Ice is not required for my lunch bag on cold days to prevent my bottle water becoming too warm.

*Oct 9. Use the air compressor to dry my Camelbak blue tube. I blew compressed air inside the tube to maximize removing water.

*Oct 11. My gym installed ceiling fans in the free weights room.

*Nov 3. A Japanese Mahjong player born in Japan told me professional Mahjong players stop playing for the day when they placed fourth multiples times.

*Nov 21. I wash my back first when I shower. I wash my front second.

*Nov 24. Black Friday shopping at Kohl's. I used a coupon which didn't work. I went back to Kohl's a second time. The coupon worked after the cashier scanned the coupon multiple times. It must be their cash registers were slow and/or technical problems.

*Dec 15. I share a personal reference. If the reader interprets, then add wisdom points. The following objects are life lessons: a can of WD-40, duct tape, blue color painter's tape, and two six-sided dice.

*Dec 18. I ate untoasted bread and butter. It was the first time in decades.

*Dec 27. Rough justice. Rough love. Rough parenting.

*Dec 31. The like classic arcade game Centipede for the Commodore 64 is Swarm!

*Dec 31. Failure is absolute. Success is relative.

*Dec 31. Hamburger spice from McCormick is better on chicken than beef.

Follow up: McCormick must have changed the Hamburger spice. Hamburger tastes good on beef.

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