Sunday, August 08, 2021

Work Can Be Evil

It's a common conversation starter. Work can be evil. Today's blog work is evil. The work is evil perspective affects the worker's soul. The spirit is tainted. The worker is changed on the inside and on the outside both in negative ways such as memory loss, weight gain, faster aging seen on the face, and lower tolerance. Mental abilities are affected. Physical endurance is weaker. The changes worsen at the end of the worker's work is evil day. It doesn't matter the worker's job title, responsibilities, role temp or full-time, and occupation. Work is evil affects grunt workers, administrative assistants, engineers, sales, manufacturing, customer service, directors, VPs, C-level . . . everyone.

I see friends and family change for the worse. Long hours. Dead-end careers. Stress changes people. Today's work environment many workers have fewer hours to sleep, to reflect, and to become a better person as we age. Out of the workplace obligations such as family are taken into account. It's nobody's fault. Blame the system. Blame the Information Age. Blame capitalism. Blame the low demand of job opportunities and the high supply of the unemployed; in other words, fear of no job. Blame the entrepreneurial attitude people start a business to make a profit. In addition, more time, more resources, more knowledge, and more training are required in more positions. More positions are becoming complex. Costs are increasing to employ workers. People must work to pay for expenses. People must work to pay for living.

Mental Strength

All strength physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental are necessary to minimize work is evil. Also, motivation, intelligent choices, sleep, and luck are necessary. Some people work six days a week. The sixth day is training day. The sixth day is reviewing day. Learn. Educate. Review. Watching television, playing video games, and logging on to social media don't pay the bills. They don't make workers irreplaceable. They don't increase the chances of getting a promotion. Workers deserve leisure. Play wisely. Watch television, play video games, and/or log on to social media wisely.

Update On A Past Blog

I wrote a similar blog titled Work Sucks on Jan 10, 2018. Accumulate the delays affects the worker's health inside and outside. More workers get the raw deal requiring additional hours to complete assignments through no fault of their own. More good people are becoming stressed-out good people. Nobody knows if or when stressed-out good people become bad people.

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