Friday, September 16, 2022

First Email Address And Painful Memories At San Jose State University

I wanted a long title for today's blog. The accurate title for today's blog is, "My First Email Address Ended With And Painful Memories Mistakes I Didn't Learn At San Jose State University." I wrote journals for all my days attending San Jose State University (SJSU) from 1992 to 1997. The pic above is the first two days I used my email address. Pardon the poor grammar.

The poor grammar should tell the reader my life as a college student was mostly unmemorable. My explanations are clique. I took life for granted. I was naive. I was a college student in my 20s with a high school brain. I was immature. My social skills were poor. I lived life as-is controlling as little as possible. I believed in fate. I ignored my mistakes whether I realize I made them or not. Self-esteem was poor. I was weak. I was a coward. I was a terrible conversationalist. The most pathetic explanation was I didn't make new friends. I wonder why. The explanations were the reasons. My friends were my high school friends attending SJSU. It was a miracle a few classmates enjoyed my company during the semesters. My intuition saved me whether I realized it or not. My innocence saved me whether I realized it or not.

Fortunately, the last three semesters were the best semesters compared to all previous semesters. Going back to school being a college student again attending De Anza College from 2009 to 2011 during The Great Recession corrected some of the mistakes. Regardless, there was no life intervention. I didn't find reading material to self-correct. Nobody called me out. I didn't find solutions. If I corrected 20% of either my mistakes or make memorable times from unmemorable times also known as make lemonade out of lemons, then I live a better life today. I continue correcting my mistakes. I continue catching up what I missed in the 1990s. I continue living from the mistakes I made in the past, and I correct them one day at a time.

Side note: I saved the journals in 3.5 inch floppy disks. I watched Coraline on DVD while copying the files using my Dell laptop with a USB disk reader on Aug 2009. I copied all the files to a CD-R. I don't know if the files on the CD are readable as of the blog entry.

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