Sunday, September 11, 2022

Honey Maid Grahams Crackers

The first time I saw a Honey Maid Graham Cracker was in kindergarten. The teacher's assistant gave each student a graham cracker at the end of recess. I declined. Why? I didn't know a graham cracker. I was a picky eater. These are the best answers thinking back as an adult. I might have the wisdom and the attention span of a two year old for a five year old body. On the other hand, I might have the intelligence of a seven year old for a five year old body because I read words and I added numbers. Moreover, I remember many days the teacher's assistant always responded with a shock and surprise I refused a graham cracker. I give the teacher's assistant credit she was consistent giving every student the opportunity to eat a snack after recess daily.

I'm confident I didn't eat a graham cracker in grade school, junior high school, and high school. I might have eaten a graham cracker as an ingredient for a prepared food. I exclude those moments. I'm also confident I didn't eat a graham cracker in college. There were infinite-like chances I eat a graham cracker because Costco sells the Nabisco Honey Maid Graham Crackers since Costco opened for business. Nope. I likely ate a graham cracker for the first time in my mid-20s after college.

Fast forward decades later. I ate a Honey Maid Graham Cracker today. My lesson today is be open to try new foods and new drinks. My reminder today is be open to try new foods and new drinks. There must be a reason the classic foods and classic drinks are classic foods and classic drinks. I realized I must grow up on Sat Oct 4, 2008. The people who read my blogs know my life changed forever. One of my immediate actions was trying new foods and new drinks. I ate Stacy's Pita Chips for the first time last week. I continue catching up what I missed before Sat Oct 4, 2008.

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